1、【 简答题
Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Write a notice to
1) briefly introduce the camp activities, and
2) call for volunteers.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not use your name or the name of your university.
Do not write your address. (10 points) [10分]
June 5, 2014
In order to promote the awareness of British and American culture for high school students and enrich their vocation life, a summer camp will be hosted in our university. The camp will last for 10 days from June 20 to June 30, and a wide diversity of activities will be given during this period including English speech contest, campus tours, youth forum, learning strategies lectures, and so on. Therefore, 20 volunteers are needed to assist us in organizing those relative activities. They are expected to be open-minded and have a good command of English, and those with related experience are preferred.
Anyone who is interested please sent the résumé to studentunion@pku.edu.com before June 10. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 60208888 if you have any further questions or suggestions.
  Student Union
2、【 简答题
Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comment.
You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) [15分]
The pie chart above presents an expenditure structure of the residents during the Spring Festival in a Chinese city. Of all the expenses, money spent on gifts occupies as much as 40%, taking up the largest share. By comparison, that on transportation and on gathering dinners makes up 20% respectively. And miscellaneous cost accounts for the remaining 20%.
China is a nation that highly values courtesy and etiquette since ancient times, so it is not surprising that people spend more money on gifts than on other parts. As is known to all, Spring Festival is an important occasion in China for people to strengthen their personal relationships, during which most people will purchase and send gifts to their relatives and friends. In addition, the economic boom has brought increasing wealth to Chinese people, so they can afford those gifts they once thought too expensive to extend their best wishes and sincerest greetings to the people they cherish.
Although the consumption pattern shown in the pie chart conforms fully with Chinese traditional belief of valuing personal relationships, it is not a rational behaviour to spend so much on gifts, which will be inevitably becoming a burden to those with low income. Therefore, it is advisable to enhance people’s awareness of moderate consumption and encourage an alternative way of celebrating the Spring Festival.
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