PETS Level 2 Simulated Test(6)
1、【 单选题
According to his friend's opinion, the poor relatives would stop going there so often
because ________ . [1分]
they were shy to borrow money again
hey were afraid to be asked to pay off the debts
they had been ill-treated
it wasn't happy for the poor to meet the rich
2、【 单选题
The best title for this passage is ___________. [1分]
Such a Clever Friend
Mr Richards and his Friend
Money is Important
Such Good Usage of Money
3、【 单选题
After reading the passage we can infer _____________. [1分]
Mr Richards still complains about the coming of his relatives in summer
The friend of Mr Richards' hadn't as many relatives as Richards
Gradually Mr Richards succeeded in keeping his relatives out in summer
sNone of Richards' relatives came to the seaside town for their holidays again
4、【 单选题
Which two of the following towns look so much alike? [1分]
Bologna and Ferrare
Arles and Avignon
St. Louis and Kansas City
Bologna and St. Louis
5、【 单选题
In line 4 the word "it" refers to ____________. [1分]
standard of towns
similarity of towns
people's memory
mass production
6、【 单选题
American towns look very much alike because of ____________. [1分]
the standard influence of mass production
their different appearances
not being fully developed
having everything in common
7、【 单选题
Millions of stars are _______________. [1分]
following a regular path in space
moving about without a fixed course
seldom wandering about in the universe
always travelling together
8、【 单选题
Some two thousand million years ago, the mountain on the sun was raised probably because
__________. [1分]
a large tidal wave of a star travelled over the surface of the sun
another star happened to come near the sun
the sun and the moon raised the tides on the earth
the star moved away from the sun
9、【 单选题
The article suggests that _____________ . [1分]
our earth exists before the sun
how space formed
no one knows where the earth comes from
our earth used to be a high mountain on the sun
10、【 单选题
The expression "the cause of the disturbance" refers to _________. [1分]
the large tidal wave
the powerful tidal pull
the star coming near the sun
one of the sun's planets
11、【 单选题
In this article, the writer mainly wants to tell the readers __________. [1分]
that the universe is so large that we cannot imagine it
how the high mountains were formed on the sun
why the tides over the surface of the sun were so powerful
where the planets in the universe came from
12、【 单选题
Paragraph one tells us that ______________ . [1分]
It is not always easy for foreigners to do business in Japan
Japan is a very important country for businessmen
business contacts between Japan and the West are important
Japanese businessmen do business all around the world
13、【 单选题
The word "bewilder" in paragraph 2 probably means _________. [1分]
14、【 单选题
From the passage we can know that _____________. [1分]
American businessmen do things more quickly than Japanese ones
American businessmen like to say "Yes" and "No"
Americans usually say what they are thinking
Americans do not express themselves clearly
15、【 单选题
The passage tells us that ________. [1分]
Japanese businessmen are good at business
foreign businessmen should first try to understand Japanese
foreign businessmen must be more polite
if you want to succeed you must learn from Japan
16、【 填空题
此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√); 如有错误(每行只有一个错误),
多一个词: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。
缺一个词: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。
错一个词: 在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。
注意: 原行没有错的不要改。
After supper Li Hua came and asked for me 56.   
to go and see a film with him. In our way to 57.    
the cinema we saw a little girl sit by the 58.    
roadside cry. We bought her a cake to stop 59.    
her crying. But when we asked where she 60.    
had lived she said she didn't know. So we took 61.    
her to the police station and asked police to take care of her 62.  
After this we went to the cinema. But when we 63.    
got there the movie was near at its end. 64.    
We have missed the movie, but we did a good deed. 65.     [每空2分]
答案: ["删去 for","In-On","sit-sitting/seated","cry-crying","√","删去 had","(第二个)police 前加 the","this-that","near-nearly","删去have"]
17、【 简答题
要求:1.日记必须包括所有图画的内容。2.词数 100 左右。 3.格式正确。
提示词:府南河 the Fu and Nan Rivers 志愿者 volunteer 环境 environment [25分]
SunDAy SEptEmBEr 15
Today I went to the Fu&Nan Rivers as a young volunteer to clean the place. Early in the morning we started by bike. As soon
as we got there, we began to work. First we collected the rubbish on the river bank. Then we put up notices to tell people
to protect the environment. We kept on telling the visitors the importance of protecting the environment. Having cleaned
the river bank we said goodbye to the workers and went home. Though I was tired, I felt happy.
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