2012高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(湖南专用)39 文字提示型书面表达
1、【 简答题
________________________________________________________________________ [25分]
One possible version:
    Boys and girls:
    I wonder whether you have ever noticed that many of you don’t like to attend sports exercise for different kinds of reasons. You spend too much time on study,Internet, or even computer games. Thus, you  can easily get tired and often feel weaker than your parents.
    What causes it? You lack exercise.
    Proper exercise will not only make your bodies stronger, but also refresh your mind, which can help you study or work more efficiently. So regularly go out for exercise instead of staying at the table or before the computer screens for long hours.
    What can you do? You can participate in all sorts of sport, such as walking, cycling, running, climbing, skating, swimming, playing ball games and so on.
    Once you decide on one, you must keep on and never give up.
    Come on, boys and girls, let’s do it for a stronger body, better life, and more prosperous future.
2、【 简答题
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One possible version:
    Saving The Wounded Bird
    One_Saturday_afternoon,_Li_Hua_and_Wang_Ping,_members_from_“Green_Eyes”, were having an environmental protection activity near the riverside when they caught sight of a bird on the ground. They picked it up and found it wounded.
    Thinking it might die without timely help, they took it home. They made a nest for it and fed it with rice and water. Under their treatment and care, the lucky bird got recovered soon. When time came for them to fly the bird back to nature, they felt a bit pity but very delighted.
    I think it’s worthwhile for them to do such a thing. Here I call on the public to show respect to nature. Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it.
3、【 简答题
每个人对待幸福的态度和感觉都不一样,请你就What Is Happiness? 这一话题谈谈你对幸 福的看法。
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One possible version:
    Happiness means different things to different people. Some people believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. Some other people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, they have not only money but also power, which can’t be bought by money.
    However, there are still some people who have quite opposite opinions. They value their belief, or their intelligence, or their health, which they think can make them happy.
    For me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. When I make great progress in studies, when I make contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I will be happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual, my “wealth” of happiness is in my studies, my work and my family.
4、【 简答题
假如你是李华,是校学生会的学习部长。请你代表全校学生给新来的外教Steven 写一封信表示欢迎, 并提出教学建议(至少两条)及理由。
参考词汇:学生会学习部长: the academic minister of the Students’ Union
________________________________________________________________________ [25分]
One possible version:
    Dear Mr. Steven,
    I’m more than excited to hear that you will be our foreign teacher! On behalf of all my schoolmates, I’d like to extend our warmest welcome and heart­felt gratitude.
    As the academic minister of the Students’Union, I’d like to give you some suggestions in the hope that you will have a better teaching experience here.
    In the first place, I suggest you create a lively atmosphere by taking advantage of yourself such as playing games, singing songs and sharing highlights of your life, because we Chinese students have different expectations from a foreign teacher. Second, I think it is necessary to design the tasks and activities which fit in with our level of English language. Otherwise, many students would feel  frustrated and even give up, thus losing interest in your class.
    In a word, I hope we  will respect each other and that we can improve our English and broaden our horizons through your teaching.
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