1、【 单选题
look into
look for
look out
look back
2、【 单选题
3、【 单选题
Gloria’s father was ill        . [2分]
when they settled down in Miami.
before they left their home country
after he returned from Vietnam War
as soon as she finished high school
4、【 单选题
According to the passage, probably Gloria did the following except        . [2分]
organizing an all-star concert for Hurricane victims
winning an award for reading in English
teaching at school to support the family
taking care of her father and sister
5、【 单选题
This passage mainly tells about Gloria Estefan’s        . [2分]
life story
happy marriage
music style
Cuban background
6、【 单选题
What is special about the coffin in the second news? [2分]
It is golden
It has a cell phone.
It is a luxury
It has many items
7、【 单选题
What is the probable meaning of the underlined word heist in the third news? [2分]
raising money
8、【 单选题
Who has to spend 400 dollars to do the surgery? [2分]
A British woman who dumped a cat in a rubbish bin.
One who bought Winston Churchill’s artificial teeth.
An Australian man who shot in bottom to test the hurt.
An Englishman crossing the Channel without legs and arms.
9、【 单选题
From the last news we can infer that _________. [2分]
In Kuwait many men are eager to get married
A lot of rich single men lived in Kuwait
There are quantities of oil in Kuwait
There are many single women in Kuwait
10、【 单选题
When the writer and his wife discovered that their son had lied, they _________. [2分]
took all his freedom from him
decided never to trust him again
forbade him to stay alone overnight
arranged him to stay at home.
11、【 单选题
We can infer from the passage that very often ________. [2分]
parents don’t trust their child as they should
defendants are usually proved not guilty in court
parents have too much trust in their child
some children are founded guilty in court
12、【 单选题
According to the passage, the writer believes that _____________. [2分]
parents shouldn’t punish their children even if they lie
it is not easy to deal with the problem of lying as parents
there are effective ways to prevent children from lying
children will stop telling lies as they grow up
13、【 单选题
What is NOT the probable reason why the dead red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky? [2分]
Internal hemorrhage
Lightning weather
14、【 单选题
In the third paragraph, the underlined word discounted probably mean________. [2分]
not to reduce cost
not to believe
to make up a part
to explain mystery
15、【 单选题
According to Stephens, we can infer the probable cause of the dead fish is _________. [2分]
cold weather
poor management
lack of food
16、【 单选题
Having the right security products equipped in a home can get rid of home invasion, theft and injury. Home security products should be hidden somewhat and not out in the open for invaders to see. Products that protect one's home should also be linked to the local police department so that they can be notified in the event of an emergency or break-in. [2分]
17、【 单选题
Security products are used for monitoring the home and the properties surrounding the home. Products are designed to warn the homeowner when invasion is taking place or someone is hidden around the property. Most systems are electronic or battery powered and some are linked with cables and satellites to keep a close watch on property. [2分]
18、【 单选题
There are four main kinds of home security products. The first kind is home entry and invasion protection--used for setting up a high tech alarm system. The second is window and door alarms, helpful in warning the homeowner as to who is coming in and out of the house and certain rooms in the home. The third is to keep the outside of the home protected by signaling. The fourth is a combination of security gates, cameras connected to a DVR, bars for windows and doors as well as sliding door lock. [2分]
19、【 单选题
One should consider the expense of equipping a complete security system. For most complete systems which include driveway alarms, cameras, and electronic keypads, many can cost from $100 to $10,000. The homeowner can equip individual security products based on the needs of the home and family to save money. [2分]
20、【 单选题
Preventing invasion, theft and injury can save thousands of dollars if the home was broken into and items were stolen. Having home security products equipped can also reduce car and auto insurance moneys. [2分]
21、【 填空题
The teacher tells us the harder we work, the    (幸福) we feel. [每空1分]
答案: ["happier"]
22、【 填空题
All things    (考虑), I think we ought to give the job to George. [每空1分]
答案: ["considered"]
23、【 填空题
Since no one is     (反对) it, we’ll adopt the proposal. [每空1分]
答案: ["against"]
24、【 填空题
If only I had     (听) to your advice! But I didn’t. [每空1分]
答案: ["listened"]
25、【 填空题
It is dark and cold, so it is no good    (等) here. Let’s go home. [每空1分]
答案: ["waiting"]
26、【 填空题
My boss really    (赏识)your talents, which impress him most. [每空1分]
答案: ["appreciates"]
27、【 填空题
The children    (惊慌失措) when they realized they were lost. [每空1分]
答案: ["panicked"]
28、【 填空题
According to a new plan, many    (妇女) teachers will be sent abroad. [每空1分]
答案: ["women/female"]
29、【 填空题
As he has mastered several    (语言), many universities want to hire him. [每空1分]
答案: ["languages"]
30、【 简答题
修改:在错的词下划一横线(  ),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
    Alexander was a military genius or great explorer. But he also had a great ambition. He wanted to rule a country that people could live in peace with one another. From 330 to 327 BC, Alexander led his soldier east, through Afghanistan and into Central Asia. As he travel, he built more cities. He ordered soldiers, merchants, and scholars from many lands to settle here.
    In 326 BC Alexander turned south, into India. But by now his men were tired and weak. They were far home in an unknown land. The soldiers refused to go farther. Unwillingly, Alexander turned back. By 323 BC, he reached for Babylon in Iraq. There he caught fever and died at the age of 33. His country was divided between his generals. [15分]
31、【 简答题
世界园艺博览会(World Horticultural Exposition)将于2011年4月至10月在西安举行,世园会组委会现向社会招募志愿者,要求有意参加者用英文写一篇短文,文章要包含以下几个方面:
I really hope to be a volunteer for the WHE. [30分]
I really hope to be a volunteer for the WHE. First, WHE is a great event for Xi’an. So as a citizen, I have the duty to serve our distinguished guests from all over the world. Second, it’s a good opportunity for me to introduce Xi’an to the visitors and help them know more about our culture, food and people.
    I believe I am fit for the job. I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, especially the history of Xi’an, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. What’s more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during the Exposition, and I can express myself fluently and clearly in English. Therefore, I can not only act as a guide, but also as an interpreter.
    To be an excellent volunteer, First, I’ll learn more about manners to be a polite volunteer. Second, I will continue to improve my spoken English so that I can communicate better with the foreign friends.
    I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.
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