1、【 填空题
It’s much (hot) today than it was yesterday. [每空1分]
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2、【 填空题
The weather today is nice and (sun). [每空1分]
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3、【 填空题
(like) his short father, Mike is tall and thin. [每空1分]
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4、【 填空题
The old woman came back (late) on. [每空1分]
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5、【 填空题
Our classroom is much brighter than (they). [每空1分]
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6、【 填空题
It is blowing (strong) outside. [每空1分]
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7、【 填空题
You are not allowed to (smoking) here. [每空1分]
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8、【 填空题
Eat more fruits and vegetables, then you’ll be (health) than before. [每空1分]
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9、【 填空题
It’s difficult for us to swim (cross) the river in twenty minutes. [每空1分]
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10、【 填空题
I hear the foreign friends will come to our factory at the (begin) of October. [每空1分]
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11、【 填空题
She copied the new words as (quick) as she could. [每空1分]
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12、【 填空题
We are thinking about (relax) for an hour. [每空1分]
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13、【 填空题
You’d better work out your math problems by (you), children. [每空1分]
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14、【 填空题
Their (fly) number is No.CA436. [每空1分]
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15、【 填空题
It was a (please) trip, and they all had a good time. [每空1分]
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16、【 填空题
The woman looks much (slim) than before. [每空1分]
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17、【 填空题
Hainan Island is the second (large) island in China. [每空1分]
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18、【 填空题
My uncle went to Shanghai on (busy) yesterday. [每空1分]
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19、【 填空题
We spent an (wonder) holiday in Hangzhou. [每空1分]
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20、【 填空题
His father’s (die) made him very sad. [每空1分]
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21、【 填空题
My brother will call me as soon as he (reach) there. [每空1分]
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22、【 填空题
What a (luck) boy he is! [每空1分]
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23、【 填空题
I’m afraid you (forget) the date, haven’t you? [每空1分]
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24、【 填空题
How many times have you (be) to the Great Wall? [每空1分]
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25、【 填空题
I’m sorry (bring) you so much trouble. [每空1分]
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26、【 填空题
She’s never (speak) to a foreigner. [每空1分]
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27、【 填空题
Tom with his friends often (play) soccer on Sundays. [每空1分]
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28、【 填空题
It (rain) more often in Chengdu than in Chongqing. [每空1分]
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29、【 填空题
So far we (learn) about 1500 English words. [每空1分]
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30、【 填空题
I don’t know whether she (come) or not tomorrow. [每空1分]
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31、【 填空题
They (move) to Shanghai next month. [每空1分]
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32、【 填空题
Who (give) us a talk tomorrow? [每空1分]
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33、【 填空题
He said that he (feel) very happy. [每空1分]
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34、【 填空题
We often hear her (sing) this song in English. [每空1分]
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35、【 填空题
You have worked for two hours.You’d better stop (have) a rest. [每空1分]
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36、【 填空题
This book (sell) well. [每空1分]
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37、【 填空题
The red skirt (cost) the girl forty dollars. [每空1分]
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38、【 填空题
You (catch) the early bus if you get up early. [每空1分]
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39、【 填空题
I think your computer needs (repair) . [每空1分]
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40、【 填空题
The flowers must (water) every day. [每空1分]
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