1、【 单选题
A child’s season of birth can affect all the following things EXCEPT     according to the first two paragraphs. [2分]
his health
his height
his length of life
his quality of being clever
2、【 单选题
What does the underlined word “exposure” mean in Chinese? [2分]
3、【 单选题
What can we know about vitamin D according to the passage? [2分]
It comes from sunlight.
It helps people live longer.
Sunlight prevents its production.
It does harm to people’s health.
4、【 单选题
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? [2分]
Women should get enough sunlight in pregnancy.
Children born under Aquarius are cleverer than those born in autumn.
People born in May will live longer than those born in October.
Professor Russell Foster is interested in star signs and believes in them.
5、【 单选题
What does the passage mainly tell us? [2分]
People can know the length of life by star sign.
Women should choose to give birth to children in spring.
A child’s season of birth has an effect on him or her.
Vitamin D is very important to people’s health.
6、【 单选题
People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.
If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy simple things in life.
Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.
Many people like dancing, or playing football.
7、【 单选题
People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.
If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy simple things in life.
Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.
Many people like dancing, or playing football.
8、【 单选题
People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.
If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy simple things in life.
Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.
Many people like dancing, or playing football.
9、【 单选题
People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.
If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy simple things in life.
Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.
Many people like dancing, or playing football.
10、【 单选题
People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.
If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone.
The first secret of happiness is to enjoy simple things in life.
Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness.
Many people like dancing, or playing football.
11、【 填空题
become  share  nothing  word  happy  learntruth  song  someone  my  write  how
I live in France and French is my native language (母语). But my English is really good and now I want to   my experience with you.
When I was six, my dad encouraged   to listen to some songs by The Beatles. I listened to them every day. At the beginning I could understand   about what they were singing. But I enjoyed the music. And soon I began to understand a few  , but only the ones in the titles.
Later I got a book with the lyrics (歌词) for some songs by The Beatles. I read the book many times. I listened to the music and   many songs by heart. I sang the songs to myself. Still, I understood very little of them. But I loved them so much that it   my dream to understand the songs by The Beatles. That was    I started on my way towards English.
Today, I can understand the   very well. Each time I hear a song by The Beatles, I feel   and proud. That’s because I have made my dream come   . [每空1分]
答案: [""]
12、【 填空题
A: Hey, Linda. Will you please come to my house on Saturday?
B: What’s up, Zhang Peng?
A: You know I only got a C in the English test last week. (61)   ?
B: Sure, but what can I do for you?
A: I find it difficult to memorize English words. (62)   ?
B: I often do it by making vocabulary lists. I think it’s the best way to memorize English words.
A: Great! (63)   . Can you tell me some ways to improve my spoken English?
B: Well, you can come to our English Corner this Saturday morning. (64)   . It may help you improve your spoken English.
A: That sounds interesting. I’ll go this Saturday.
B: OK, see you then.
A: (65)     . See you. [每空2分]
答案: [""]
13、【 简答题
姓名 张航
特长 精通电脑,擅长演讲
性格、品质 自信、勤奋、谦虚、有条理、乐于助人
个人事迹 经常花很多时间组织课外活动,从不介意为班级做额外的工作,总是尽最大努力帮助同学,深受同学们欢迎。
Dear Mr Wang,
    I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.
    I hope you can consider my recommendation.
                                   Yours sincerely,
                                       Li Ming [10分]
Dear Mr Wang,
    I’m writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor.
    I think he has some strong qualities for this position. Zhang Hang is confident. He is good at making speeches. He also does well in computers.
    He is hard-working, modest and organized. He often spends lots of time organizing after-school activities.
    He is very helpful too. He never minds doing extra work for our class. He always tries his best to help other students. He is very popular with us.
    I think Zhang Hang is the most suitable person to be our monitor.
    I hope you can consider my recommendation.
                                               Yours sincerely,
                                                   Li Ming
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