1、【 单选题
It’s too expensive.
It isn’t needed.
It should be built.
A college would be better.
2、【 单选题
Jack’s car was stolen.
Jack sold his car.
Jack bought a new car.
Jack had a car accident.
3、【 单选题
Some people pretend to know what they really don’t.
What the woman said is true.
What the woman said is wrong.
He knows more than the woman does.
4、【 单选题
The woman’s job is a librarian.
Women’s rights in society.
An important election.
Career planning.
5、【 单选题
She thinks it is easier said than done.
She totally agrees with him.
She feels that what he says is simply nonsense.
She thinks that he is rather impolite person.
6、【 单选题
To clean the yard.
To weed the garden.
To hire a gardener.
To work in the flower beds.
7、【 单选题
On the 6th of June.
On the 8th of June.
On the 9th of June.
On the 19th of June.
8、【 单选题
To run into each other.
To get bargains.
To avoid the crowds.
To join the crowds.
9、【 单选题
Because of their love for hobbies and pastimes.
Because of their enthusiasm for sports.
Because of their fear of heart attacks.
Because of their strong desire for good health.
10、【 单选题
It was decreasing.
It was increasing.
It remained almost unchanged.
It was going up slowly.
11、【 单选题
Those who have heart attacks.
Those who have the desire to be physically fit.
Those who have spare time.
Those who have inactive jobs.
12、【 单选题
In the white pages.
In the blue pages.
In the yellow pages.
In a special section.
13、【 单选题
On the first page of the telephone book.
At the end of the telephone book.
In the front of the white pages.
Right after the white pages.
14、【 单选题
Check your number and call again.
Tell the operator what has happened.
Ask the operator to put you through.
Ask the operator what has happened.
15、【 单选题
Its specialization in transporting small packages.
The low cost of its service.
Being the first airline to send urgent letters.
Its modern sorting facilities.
16、【 单选题
17、【 单选题
Because of its good airport facilities.
Because of its location in the country.
Because of its size.
Because of its round-the-clock service.
18、【 单选题
Its full-time staff.
The postmen who work in Memphis.
Students who work in their spare time.
The staff members of the International Airport.
19、【 单选题
The author is primarily addressing ________. [1分]
parents of teenagers
newspaper readers
those who give advice to teenagers
20、【 单选题
The first paragraph is mainly about ________. [1分]
the teenagers’ criticism of their parents
misunderstandings between teenagers and their parents
the dominance of the parents over their children
the teenagers’ ability to deal with crises
21、【 单选题
Teenagers tend to have strange clothes and hairstyles because they ________. [1分]
want to show their existence by creating a culture of their own
have a strong desire to be leaders in style and taste
have no other way to enjoy themselves better
want to irritate their parents
22、【 单选题
Teenagers do not want their parents to approve of whatever they do because they ________. [1分]
have already been accepted into the adult world
feel that they are superior in a small way to the adults
are not likely to win over the adults
have a desire to be independent
23、【 单选题
To improve parent-child relationships, teenagers are advised to be ________. [1分]
24、【 单选题
Why is there “wide-spread uneasiness and confusion about the food situation in Britain?” [1分]
The abundant food supply is not expected to last.
Britain is importing less food.
Despite the abundance, food prices keep rising.
Britain will cut back on its production of food.
25、【 单选题
The main reason for the rise in food prices is that ________. [1分]
people are buying less food
the government is providing less financial support for agriculture
domestic food production has decreased
imported food is driving prices higher
26、【 单选题
Why didn’t the government’s expansion programme work very well? [1分]
Because the farmers were uncertain about the financial support the government guaranteed.
Because the farmers were uncertain about the benefits of expanding production.
Because the farmers were uncertain about whether foreign markets could be found for their produce.
Because the older generation of farmers were strongly against the programmer.
27、【 单选题
The decrease in world food price was a result of ________. [1分]
a sharp fall in the purchasing power of the consumers
a sharp fall in the cost of food production
the overproduction of food in the food-importing countries
the overproduction on the part of the main food-exporting countries
28、【 单选题
What did the future look like for Britain’s food production at the time this article was written? [1分]
The fall in world food prices would benefit British food producers.
An expansion of food production was at hand.
British food producers would receive more government financial support.
It looks depressing despite government guarantees.
29、【 单选题
According to the author, really good science ________. [1分]
would surprise the brightest minds of the 18th century Enlightenment
will produce results which cannot be foreseen
will help people to make the right choice in advance
will bring about disturbing results
30、【 单选题
It can be inferred from the passage that scientists of the 18th century ________. [1分]
thought that they knew a great deal and could solve most problems of science
were afraid of facing up to the realities of scientific research
knew that they were ignorant and wanted to know more about nature
did more harm than good in promoting man’s understanding of nature
31、【 单选题
What is the author’s attitude towards science? [1分]
He is depressed because of the ignorance of scientists.
He is doubtful because of the enormous difficulties confronting it.
He is confident though he is aware of the enormous difficulties confronting it.
He is delighted because of the illuminating scientific findings.
32、【 单选题
The author believes that ________. [1分]
man can find solutions to whatever questions concerning nature he can think up
man can not solve all the problems he can think up because of the limits of human intellect
sooner or later man can think up all the questions concerning nature and answer them
questions concerning consciousness are outside the scope of scientific researchD
33、【 单选题
According to the author, the importance of greenspaces in the urban environment ________. [1分]
is still unknown
is usually neglected
is being closely studied
has been fully recognized
34、【 单选题
The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation has led to ________. [1分]
the disproportion of recreation facilities in the neighbourhood
the location of recreation facilities far from home
relatively little attention for recreative possibilities
the improvement of recreative possibilities in the neighbourhood
35、【 单选题
According to the author, greenspace facilities should be designed in such a way that ________. [1分]
more obligatory activities might take on a recreative aspect
more and more people might have access to them
an increasing number of recreative activities might be developed
recreative activities might be brought into our homes
36、【 单选题
The main idea of this passage is that ________. [1分]
better use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our life
attention must be directed to the improvement of recreative possibilities
the urban environment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years ago
priority must be given to the development of obligatory activities
37、【 单选题
Tom ________ better than to ask Dick for help. [1分]
shall know
shouldn’t know
has known
should have known
38、【 单选题
The magician picked several persons ________ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. [1分]
by accident
at random
on occasion
on average
39、【 单选题
Water enters into a great variety of chemical reactions, ________ have been mentioned in previous pages. [1分]
a few of it
a few of that
a few of them
a few of which
40、【 单选题
They’ll have you ________ if you don’t pay your taxes. [1分]
to be arrested
being arrested
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