1、【 单选题
The flight has been canceled.
The plane is late.
The plane is on time.
The tickets for this flight have been sold out.
2、【 单选题
He is not to blame.
It was his fault.
He will accept all responsibility.
He will be more careful next time.
3、【 单选题
The man is a forgetful person.
The typewriter is not new.
The man can have the typewriter later.
The man misunderstood her.
4、【 单选题
There will be heavy fog in all areas.
There will be heavy rain by midnight.
There will be heavy fog in the east.
There will be fog in all areas by midnight.
5、【 单选题
She’s scornful.
She’s angry.
She’s sympathetic.
She’s worried.
6、【 单选题
He likes the job of a dish-washer because it pays well.
He thinks it’s important to have a good job from the beginning.
He hates to be a dish-washer because it’s boring.
He would work as a dish-washer in summer if he has to.
7、【 单选题
She must learn to understand John’s humor better.
She enjoys John’s humor a great deal.
She doesn’t appreciate John’s humor.
She thinks John is not funny enough.
8、【 单选题
Joan may have taken a wrong train.
Joan will miss the next conference.
Joan won’t come to the conference.
Joan may be late for the opening speech.
9、【 单选题
She has been dismissed for her poor performance.
She has been fired by the company.
She has been granted leave for one month.
She has been offered a new job.
10、【 单选题
Because she could not sleep well at night.
Because she hoped to earn more money.
Because she could not find a daytime job.
Because she needed a change and a lighter job.
11、【 单选题
She works six nights every fortnight.
She does not take part in social activities in her working days.
She has been a night nurse in a hospital for about 25 years.
She is not satisfied with her present job.
12、【 单选题
Women criminals in Scotland.
Criminals who are given long sentences.
Criminals who are given short sentences.
Criminals in Scotland.
13、【 单选题
To give the prisoners more freedom.
To help the prisoners keep their self-respect.
To help the prisoners develop the sense of independence.
To turn the prisoners into skilled workers.
14、【 单选题
On an airplane.
Near the terminal building.
In a coach to the city.
In the waiting room.
15、【 单选题
Near the airport hotel.
At the travelers’ information desk.
Outside the Customs Hall.
In the center of the city.
16、【 单选题
The departure tax they have to pay on their next international flight.
The distance they have to travel from the airport to the city center.
The prices the major hotels charge.
The place where taxis are waiting to be hired.
17、【 单选题
Research into the material culture of a nation’s of great importance ________. [1分]
it helps produce new cultural tools and technology
it can reflect the development of the nation
it helps understand the nation’s Fast and present
it can demonstrate the nation’s civilization
18、【 单选题
It can be learned from this passage that ________. [1分]
the existence of the symphony was attributed to the spread of Near Eastern and Chinese music
Near Eastern music had influence on the of the instruments in the symphony orchestra
the development of the symphony shows the mutual influence of Eastern and Western music
the musical instruments in the symphony basis of Near Eastern music
19、【 单选题
According to the author, music notation is important because ________. [1分]
it has a great effect on the music-culture as more and more people are able to read it
it tends to standard folk sings when it is used by folk musicians
it is the printed version of standardized folk music
it encourages people to popularize printed versions of songs
20、【 单选题
It can be concluded from the passage that the introduction of electronic media into the world of music ________. [1分]
has brought about an information revolution
has speeded up the arrival of a new generation of computers
has given rise to new forms of music culture
has given to the transformation of traditional musical instruments
21、【 单选题
Which of the following best summarized the main idea of the passage? [1分]
Musical instruments developed through the years will sooner later be replaced by computers.
Music cannot be passed on to future generation unless it is recorded.
Folk songs cannot spread far unless they are printed on music sheets.
The development of music culture is highly dependent or its material aspect.
22、【 单选题
In the first paragraph, the author gives the definitions of some term in order to ________. [1分]
argue for the similarities between and human societies
smooth out the conflicts in human societies
distinguish between two kinds of opposition
summarize the that characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
23、【 单选题
The phrase “function in the disservice of one another” (Para. 1) most probably means “________”. [1分]
betray each other
harm one another
help to collaborate with each other
benefit on another
24、【 单选题
The author indicates in the passage that conflict ________. [1分]
is an inevitable struggle resulting from competition
reflects the struggle among social animals
is an opposition among individual social animals
can be avoided
25、【 单选题
The passage is probably intended to answer the question “________”. [1分]
Is war inevitable?
Why is there conflict and competition?
Is conflict desirable?
Can competition lead to conflict?
26、【 单选题
What do you suppose the attitude of Dr. Samuel Johnson towards ladies preaching? [1分]
He believed that ladies were born worse preachers that men.
He was pleased that ladies could though not as well as men.
He disapproved of ladies preaching.
He encouraged ladies to preach.
27、【 单选题
Today, computer are still inferior to man in terms of ________. [1分]
decision making
drives and feelings
growth of reasoning power
information absorption
28、【 单选题
In terms of making quick decisions, the human brain cannot be compared with the computer because ________. [1分]
in the long process of evolution slow pace of life didn’t require such ability of the computer because brain
the human brain is influenced by other factors such as motivation and emotion
the human brain may sometimes freeze up in a dangerous situation
the evolution of imitate life while the human brain docs not imitate computers
29、【 单选题
Though he think highly of the development of computer science, the author doesn’t mean that ________. [1分]
computers are likely to become a new form of intelligent life
human beings have lost control of computers
the intelligence of computers will eventually surpass will that of human beings
the evolution of intelligence will probably depend on that of electronic brains
30、【 单选题
According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? [1分]
Future man will be made of silicon instead of flesh and blood.
Some day it will be difficult to tell a computer from a man.
The reasoning power of computers has already surpassed that of man.
Future intelligent life may not necessarily be made of organic matter.
31、【 单选题
The author had trouble operating his VCR because ________. [1分]
he had neglected the importance of using the timer
the machine had far more technical features than necessary
he had set about using it without proper training
its operation was far more difficult than the designer intended it to be
32、【 单选题
According to the author, manufacturers ________. [1分]
should add more useful features to their machines
often fail to make their products easy to use
should make their appliances as attractive as possible
often fail provide proper training in the use of their products
33、【 单选题
It seems that manufacturers will remain reluctant to make improvements unless ________. [1分]
they can do so as a very low cost
they find their machines hard to operate
they have difficulty selling their products
they receive a lot of complaints about their machines
34、【 单选题
According to the passage before a VCR is cold on the market, its original model should be tried out ________. [1分]
among ordinary consumers who are not technically minded
among people who are technically minded
among experienced technicians and potential users
among people who are in charge of public relations
35、【 单选题
One of the reasons why VCRs are so difficult to use is that ________. [1分]
the designers are often insensitive to the operational complexities of their machines
the range of features provided is unlimited
there is no ideal way of controlling quality
their designers often ignore the complaints of their uses
36、【 单选题
The police accused him of setting fire to the building but the denied ________ in the area on the night of the fire. [1分]
to be
to have been
having been
37、【 单选题
The schoolmaster ________ the girl’s bravery in his opening speech. [1分]
38、【 单选题
One of the requirements for a fire is that the material ________ to its burning temperature. [1分]
is heated
will be heated
be heated
would be heated
39、【 单选题
The secret agent concealed her mission, therefore many local people were ________ was a good person. [1分]
40、【 单选题
Why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed ________ is me. [1分]
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