1、【 单选题
The lecture for next Monday is cancelled.
The lecture wasn’t as successful as expected.
The woman doesn’t want to attend the lecture.
The woman may attend next Monday’s lecture.
2、【 单选题
The woman has a very tight budget.
He does not think the fur coat is worth buying.
He’s willing to lend the woman money for the fur coat.
The woman is not careful enough in planning her spending.
3、【 单选题
Clean the kitchen.
Ask someone to fix the sink.
Find a bigger apartment for the lady.
Check the work done by the maintenance man.
4、【 单选题
The lens.
The price.
The flash.
The leather case.
5、【 单选题
She needs another haircut soon.
She thinks it worthwhile to try Sadermale’s.
She knows a less expensive place for a haircut.
She would like to make an appointment for the man.
6、【 单选题
The woman doesn’t want to cook a meal.
The woman wants to have a picnic.
The woman has a poor memory.
The woman likes Mexican food.
7、【 单选题
Everyone enjoyed himself at John’s panics.
The woman didn’t enjoy John’s parties at all.
It will be the first time for the man to attend John’s party.
The woman is glad to be invited to John’s house-warming party.
8、【 单选题
She lacks confidence in herself.
She is not interested in computer programming.
She has never signed up for any competition before.
She is sure to win the programming contest.
9、【 单选题
The man has an enormous amount of work to do.
The man has made plans for his vacation.
The man will take work with him on his vacation.
Work stacked up during the man’s last vacation.
10、【 单选题
She likes the job of feeding fish.
She finds her new job interesting.
She feels unfit for her new job.
She’s not in good health.
11、【 单选题
Rally support for their movement.
Liberate women from tedious housework.
Claim their rights to equal job opportunities.
Express their anger against sex discrimination.
12、【 单选题
It will bring a lot of trouble to the local people.
It is a popular form of art.
It will spoil the natural beauty of their surroundings.
It is popular among rock stars.
13、【 单选题
To show that mindless graffiti can provoke violence.
To show that Londoners have a special liking for graffiti.
To show that graffiti, in some cases, can constitute a crime.
To show that graffiti can make the environment more colorful.
14、【 单选题
The Asian elephant is easier to tame.
The Asian elephant’s skin is more valuable.
The Asian elephant is less popular with tourists.
The Asian elephant produces ivory of a better quality.
15、【 单选题
From the captured or tamed elephants.
From the British wildlife protection group.
From elephant hunters in Thailand and Burma.
From tourists visiting the Thai-Burmese border.
16、【 单选题
Their taming for circuses and zoos.
The destruction of their natural homes.
Man’s lack of knowledge about their behavior.
The greater vulnerability to extinction than other species.
17、【 单选题
They had lost their jobs as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
They had been suffering from political and religious oppression.
They wanted to flee from the widespread famine in Northern Europe.
They wanted to make a fortune there by starting their own businesses.
18、【 单选题
They might lose control of their members because of the increase in immigration.
Their members might find it difficult to get along with the newcomers.
The working condition of their members might deteriorate.
Their members might lose their jobs to the newcomers.
19、【 单选题
To impose restrictions on further immigration.
To improve the working conditions of immigrants.
To set a minimum wage level for new immigrants.
To put requirements on languages for newcomers.
20、【 单选题
They were looked down upon by European immigrants.
They had a hard time seeking equal job opportunities.
They worked very hard to earn a decent living.
They strongly opposed continued immigration.
21、【 单选题
Why did the chairman of Toshiba resign his position in 1987? [1分]
Because in Japan, the leakage of a state secret to Russians is a grave crime.
Because he had been under attack for shifting responsibility to his subordinates.
Because in Japan, the chief executive of a corporation is held responsible for the mistake made by its subsidiaries.
Because he had been accused of being cowardly towards crises that were taking place in his corporation.
22、【 单选题
According to the passage if you want to be a good manager in Japan, you have to ________. [1分]
apologize promptly for your subordinates’ mistakes
be skillful in accepting blames from customers
make symbolic sacrifices whenever necessary
create a strong sense of company loyalty
23、【 单选题
What’s Professor George Lodge’s attitude towards the resignations of Japanese corporate leaders? [1分]
24、【 单选题
Which of the following statements is TRUE? [1分]
Boeing had nothing to do with the JAL air crash in 1985.
American executives consider authority and responsibility inseparable.
School principals bear legal responsibility for students’ crimes.
Persuading employees to take pay cuts doesn’t help solve corporate crises.
25、【 单选题
The passage is mainly about ________. [1分]
resignation as an effective way of dealing with business crises
the importance of delegating responsibility to employees
ways of evading responsibility in times of crises
the difference between two business cultures
26、【 单选题
As is given in the first paragraph, the reason why the car has become a problem is that ________. [1分]
poor people can’t afford it
it is too expensive to maintain
too many people are using it
it causes too many road accidents
27、【 单选题
According to the passage, the car started to gain popularity because ________. [1分]
it didn’t break down as easily as a horse
it had a comparatively pleasant odor
it caused less pollution than horses
it brightened up the gloomy streets
28、【 单选题
What impact did the use of cars have on society? [1分]
People were compelled to leave downtown areas.
People were able to live in less crowded suburban areas.
Business along trolley and rail lines slackened.
City streets were free of ugly overhead wires.
29、【 单选题
Mr. Flink argued in his book that cars would not be widely used in other countries because ________. [1分]
the once booming car market has become saturated
traffic jams in those countries are getting more and more serious
expensive motorways are not available in less developed countries
people worry about pollution and the diminishing oil resources
30、【 单选题
What’s wrong with Mr. Flink’s prediction? [1分]
The use of automobiles has kept increasing worldwide.
New generations of cars are virtually pollution free.
The population of America has not increased as fast.
People’s environmental concerns are constantly increasing.
31、【 单选题
It is known from the first paragraph that ________. [1分]
shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to American
crying may often imitate people or even result in tragedy
crying usually wins sympathy from other people
one who sheds tears in public will be blamed
32、【 单选题
What does “both those responses to tears” (Line 5, Para, 1) refer to? [1分]
Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happiness.
The embarrassment and unpleasant sensation of the observers.
The tear shedder’s apology and the observer’s effort to stop the crying.
Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tears.
33、【 单选题
“Counterproductive” (Lines 5, Para, 1) very probably means “________”. [1分]
having no effect at all
leading to tension
producing disastrous impact
harmful to health
34、【 单选题
What does the author say about crying? [1分]
It is a pointless physiological response to the environment.
It must have a role to play in man’s survival.
It is meant to get attention and assistance.
It usually produces the desired effect.
35、【 单选题
What can be inferred from the new studies of tears? [1分]
Emotional tears have the function of reducing stress.
Exposure to excessive medication may increase emotional tears.
Emotional tears can give rise to “dry eye” syndrome in some cases.
Environmental pollutants can induce the shedding of emotional tears.
36、【 单选题
The first paragraph of the passage tells us that ________. [1分]
the harder an athlete trains, the better his performance will be
rest after vigorous training improves an athlete’s performance
strict systematic training is essential to an athlete’s top performance
improvement of an athlete’s performance occurs in the course of training
37、【 单选题
By “overtraining” the author means ________. [1分]
a series of physical symptoms that occur after training
undue emphasis on the importance of physical exertion
training that is not adequately compensated for by rest
training that has exceeded an athlete’s emotional limits
38、【 单选题
What does the passage tell us about the “overtraining” syndrome? [1分]
It occurs when athletes lose interest in sports.
It appears right after a hard training session.
The fatigue it results in is unavoidable in the athlete’s training process.
It manifests itself in fatigue which lingers even after a recovery period.
39、【 单选题
What does the phrase “level off” (Line 5, Para. 4) most probably mean? [1分]
Slow down.
Become dull.
Stop improving.
Be on the decline.
40、【 单选题
The author advises at the end of the passage that ________. [1分]
overtraining syndrome should be treated as a serious illness
overtraining syndrome should be prevented before it occurs
an athlete with overtraining syndrome should take a lengthy rest
illness causing fatigue should not be mistaken for overtraining syndrome
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