1、【 单选题
Dick has bad taste in clothes.
The color of Dick’s jacket is too dark.
Dick’s trousers don’t match his jacket.
Dick looks funny in that yellow jacket.
2、【 单选题
Get the wallet for the man.
Call the police station.
Show the man her family pictures.
Ask to see the man’s driver’s license.
3、【 单选题
She is afraid the new epidemic SARS will soon spread all over town.
The temperature is not as high as the man claims.
The room will get cool if the man opens the windows.
She is following instructions not to use the air-conditioning.
4、【 单选题
She was never persistent in anything she did.
She had a unique way of staying healthy.
She stopped exercising two years ago.
She lost a lot of weight in two years.
5、【 单选题
The application arrived a week earlier than expected.
The job has been given to someone else.
The man is not suitable for the position,
She had received only one application letter.
6、【 单选题
He thinks his mother should get the clothes back.
He will go before the laundry is closed.
He’s unwilling to fetch the laundry.
He has already picked up the laundry.
7、【 单选题
At an international trade fair.
At an electronics company.
At a DVD counter in a music store.
At a shopping center.
8、【 单选题
The woman regrets going to the movie.
The woman prefers light movies before sleep.
The woman saw a comedy instead of a horror movie.
The woman hated the man talking throughout the movie.
9、【 单选题
He is a man with professional expertise.
He is not likely to get the job.
He is not easy to get along with.
He is the fight man to get the job done.
10、【 单选题
It is a very good place to relax.
It should revolutionize its technology.
It should change its concept of operation.
It is being forced out of the entertainment industry.
11、【 单选题
He was the most distinguished diplomat in American history.
He set up the first university in America.
He was one of the earliest settlers in America.
He can best represent the spirit of early America.
12、【 单选题
He represented Washington in negotiations with Britain.
He provided Washington with a lot of money.
He persuaded France to support Washington.
He served as a general in Washington’s army.
13、【 单选题
As one of the founding fathers of the United States.
As one of the greatest American scholars.
As one of America’s most ingenious inventors.
As one of the most famous activists for human rights.
14、【 单选题
Because we might meet many successful executives in the media industry.
Because we might be offered a dish of insects.
Because nothing but freshly cooked insects are served.
Because some yuppies like to horrify guests with insects as food.
15、【 单选题
On the Internet.
In the supermarket.
In the seafood market.
From yuppie clubs.
16、【 单选题
It’s safe to eat.
It’s easy to prepare.
It’s exotic in appearance.
It’s tasty and healthful.
17、【 单选题
It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most People.
It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.
It will become the first course at dinner parties.
It will be consumed by more and more young people.
18、【 单选题
They don’t have enough service windows.
Their business hours are limited.,,
Their safety measures are inadequate.
Their banking procedures are complicated.
19、【 单选题
People who have computers at home.
Young people who are fond of modern technology.
Young people who are wealthy and well-educated.
People who are in the habit of switching from one bank to another.
20、【 单选题
To provide services for distant clients.
To compete for customers.
To reduce the size of their staff.
To expand their operations at a lower cost.
21、【 单选题
The main point the author is making about schools is that ________. [1分]
they should enroll as many gifted students as possible
they should organize their classes according to the students’ ability
they are often incapable of catering to the needs of talented students
they should satisfy the needs of students from different family backgrounds
22、【 单选题
The author quotes the remarks of one of Oliver Goldsmith’s teachers ________. [1分]
to show how poor Oliver’s performance was at school
to illustrate the strong will of some gifted children
to explain how dull students can also be successful
to provide support for his argument
23、【 单选题
Pablo Picasso is listed among the many gifted children who ________. [1分]
could not cope with their studies at school successfully
paid no attention to their teachers in class
contradicted their teachers much too often
behaved arrogantly and stubbornly in the presence of their teachers
24、【 单选题
Many gifted people attributed their success ________. [1分]
less to their systematic education than to their talent
mainly to parental help and their education at home
both to school instruction and to their parents’ coaching
more to their parents’ encouragement than to school training
25、【 单选题
The root cause of many gifted students having bad memories of their school years is that ________. [1分]
they were seldom praised by their teachers
school courses failed to inspire or motivate them
their nonconformity brought them a lot of trouble
teachers were usually far stricter than their parents
26、【 单选题
Terrorists have obviously taken advantage of ________. [1分]
the irresponsibility of the officials at border checkpoints
the legal privileges granted to foreigners
the excessive hospitality of the American people
the low efficiency of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
27、【 单选题
We learn from the passage that coordinated efforts will be made by various U.S. government agencies to ________. [1分]
limit the number Of immigrants to the U.S.
prevent the forgery of immigration papers
ward off terrorist suspects at the border
refuse the renewing of expired visas
28、【 单选题
It can be inferred from the passage that before Sept. 11, aliens with expired visas ________. [1分]
might stay on for as long as [hey wished
would be closely watched by FBI agents
would live in constant fear of deportation
might have them extended without trouble
29、【 单选题
It is believed by many that all these years the INS ________. [1分]
has been serving two contradictory functions
has ignored the pleas of the two powerful lobbies
has over-emphasized its service functions at the expense of the nation’s security
has been too liberal in granting visas to tourists and immigrants indiscriminately
30、【 单选题
Before Sept. 11, the U.S. Congress had been unable to pass stricter immigration laws because ________. [1分]
education and business circles cared little about national security
resources were not available for their enforcement
it was difficult to coordinate the efforts of the congressmen
they might have kept away foreign students and cheap labor
31、【 单选题
Why does the author say the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff was the worst tragedy in maritime history? [1分]
It was attacked by Russian torpedoes.
It caused the largest number of casualties.
Most of its passengers were frozen to death.
Its victims were mostly women and children.
32、【 单选题
Hundreds of families dropped into the sea when ________. [1分]
the badly damaged ship leaned toward one side
a strong ice storm tilted the ship
the cruise ship sank all of a sudden
the frightened passengers fought desperately for lifeboats
33、【 单选题
The Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy was little talked about for more than half a century because Germans ________. [1分]
were eager to win international acceptance
had been pressured to keep silent about it
were afraid of offending their neighbors
felt guilty for their crimes in World War II
34、【 单选题
How does Gunter Grass revive the memory of the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy? [1分]
By describing the ship’s sinking in great detail.
By giving an interview to the weekly Die Woche.
By presenting the horrible scene of the torpedo attack.
By depicting the survival of a young pregnant woman.
35、【 单选题
It can be learned from the passage that Germans no longer think that ________. [1分]
the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy is a reasonable price to pay for the nation’s past misdeeds
Germany is responsible for the horrible crimes it committed in World War II
they will be misunderstood if they talk about the Wilhelm Gustloff tragedy
it-is wrong to equate their sufferings with those of other countries
36、【 单选题
Contrary to popular belief, the author finds that spying on people’s privacy ________. [1分]
is practiced exclusively by the FBI
is more prevalent in business circles
has been intensified with the help of the IRS
is mainly carried out by means of secret taping
37、【 单选题
We know from the passage that ________. [1分]
the state of Minnesota is considering drawing up laws to protect private information
most states are turning a blind eye to the deceptive practices of private businesses
legislators are acting to pass a law to provide better privacy protection
lawmakers are inclined to give a free hand to businesses to inquire into customers’ buying habits
38、【 单选题
When the “free trial” deadline is over, you’ll be charged without notice for a product or service if ________. [1分]
you happen to reveal your credit card number
you fail to cancel it within the specified period
you fail to apply for extension of the deadline
you find the product or service unsatisfactory
39、【 单选题
Businesses do not regard information concerning personal bank accounts as private because ________. [1分]
it is considered “transaction and experience” information unprotected by law
it has always been considered an open secret by the general public
its sale can be brought under control through self-regulation
its revelation will do no harm to consumers under the current protection policy
40、【 单选题
We can infer from the passage that ________. [1分]
banks will have to change their ways of doing business
“free trial” practice will eventually be banned
privacy protection laws will soon be enforced
consumers’ privacy will continue to be invaded
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