1、【 单选题
She must learn to understand Michael’s humor better.
She enjoys Michael’s humor a GREat deal.
She doesn’t appreciate Michael’s humor.
She thinks Michael is not funny enough.
2、【 单选题
A movie.
A lecture.
A play.
A speech.
3、【 单选题
He thinks he can put off the job.
He thinks he can do it successfully. 
He is not certain if he can accomplish it.
He is not sure if he can do it independently. 
4、【 单选题
The islands are very different from the North.
The islands are a great distance from the North.
The islands are similar to the North.
The islands make her cry for the North.
5、【 单选题
In a doctor’s office.
In a professor’s office.
In a lawyer’s office.
In a businessman’s office.
6、【 单选题
He doesn’t write well enough.
He hasn’t got any professional experience.
He is not a professional writer.
He didn’t perform well in the interview.
7、【 单选题
He is a plumber.
He is a dentist.
He is a gas station attendant.
He is an engineer.
8、【 单选题
He thinks that they are of inferior quality.
He thinks that they are a bargain.
He thinks that they are overpriced.
He thinks that they can be purchased at a cheaper priceelsewhere.
9、【 单选题
There are not enough potatoes for everyone else.
The woman has to think about her request.
The woman has more potatoes than the man has.
The woman should eat more potatoes.
10、【 单选题
He doesn’t want to go out at all.
He wants to wait a while before going out.
It’s not time for them to go.
He doesn’t care to stand and wait.
11、【 单选题
Less than 40 minutes.
From 40 to 70 minutes.
At least 40 minutes.
More than 70 minutes.
12、【 单选题
He should show respect to the interviewer.
He should show confidence in himself.
He should be dressed appropriately.
He should speak enthusiastically.
13、【 单选题
Speaking politely and emotionally.
Talking loudly to give a lasting impression.
Talking a lot about the job.
Speaking confidently but not aggressively.
14、【 单选题
Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview.
Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.
Self-confidence is most important for a job hunter. 
A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.
15、【 单选题
For the completion of required assignments.
For passing given examinations.
For the good of gaining knowledge.
For the sake of high grades.
16、【 单选题
To accomplish them mainly through their own efforts.
To complete them with the aid of their tutors.
To read all the reference books assigned by the professors.
To get over all the periodicals, articles and books in the library.
17、【 单选题
Consult him outside of class.
Look for him in the office. 
Talk to him during classroom hours.
Make an appointment with him.
18、【 单选题
To create feelings of happiness for the young by singing.
To promote a healthier life style among young people.
To close the gap between the older generations and the young.
To change the attitude of the young towards work.
19、【 单选题
He used to drink, smoke and take drugs.
He belonged to a street gang.
He was jobless when he joined the movement.
He was a close friend of the movement’s leader.
20、【 单选题
It is hard for the older generation to understand the young.
It is possible for young people to live a healthier life.
A life style free from the poisons of life is worth striving for.
Young people will live a healthier life if left to make their own choices.
21、【 单选题
Professor Bhatt and Rob Meakin have developed a method to___. [1分]
teach electronic engineering management
train employees to be acquainted with e-commerce
train employees to be engineers and managers
teach employees about developing a partnership
22、【 单选题
How does Professor Bhatt feel about many leaders in companies? [1分]
They do not understand a possible second productivity revolution in Britain. 
They are excited about change.
They are ready for e-business.
They sometimes are against the change resulted from new technologies.
23、【 单选题
According to the passage, what do you know about e-business in Britain? [1分]
E-business has eliminated many competitive rivals.
E-business has done many benefits to big companies.
Many companies have joined in the E2 business program.
E-business has great potential and will make changes in the country.
24、【 单选题
According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? [1分]
Britain can be competitive to US in the area of information technology.
Britain has already taken the advantages of running engineering management.
As with many other European countries, Britain has made use of computer-aided systems.
E-commerce has offered opportunities to European countries to eliminate the competitiveness gap with all the rivals.
25、【 单选题
We can conclude from the passage that___. [1分]
we won’t forget who has the full time loving us
love is addictive
love from your partner is not enough
love lies in the maturity of emotion which is essential to apartnership or relationship
26、【 单选题
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? [1分]
To seek for true love, one must be realistic.
As long as we are emotionally mature, we can always enjoy the high of falling in love.
Love doesn’t die even if we make wrong attempts to control our partners.
The more one is loved, the less satisfied he or she feels.
27、【 单选题
By saying “They were not the ‘wrong’ partners any more than you were.”(Para 3), the author means ___. [1分]
you chose the wrong partner just as your partner did
your partner was not as good as you were
you were good partners to each other
neither of you is a good partner
28、【 单选题
What is the point the article tries to make? [1分]
Non-official status of a political organization involves terrorist suspicion.
Terrorism defies clear-cut distinction.
Terrorist element exists in every violent conflict.
Government actions are never guilty of terrorism.
29、【 单选题
Which of the following could be concluded from the article? [1分]
An indisputable example of a terrorist group is PLO.
Actions to achieve political ends cannot avoid using force.
An acceptable criterion for terrorism is killing civilians.
International prestige is a justification for violence.
30、【 单选题
The classification of PLO is now less clear because___. [1分]
it begins to show friendly attitude towards Israel
it stands for an independent state in the Middle East
it is no longer engaged in random performance of violence
it is the elected political representative of the Palestine
31、【 单选题
It could be logically inferred from the article that____. [1分]
terrorism is not being defined on ethical criteria
defense actions committed on a foreign land is admissible
terrorism unavoidably involves immoral policies
democratic nations are innocent of terrorism
32、【 单选题
The author wrote this article to ___. [1分]
show sympathy to unrecognized national forces
condemn political motives in defining terrorism
justify the ambiguity in giving terrorism labels
call for better approaches to terrorism
33、【 单选题
The author suggests that it is usual that___. [1分]
a person shows strong disapproval of the vices an individual doesn’t have
everyone feels contempt for the vices that most people have
most people are unlikely to condemn the vices they possess
the vices one doesn’t possess are worthy of severe condemnation
34、【 单选题
It is true,according to the text,real liars will___. [1分]
try hard to perfect their vices with false statements
believe it unavoidable and reasonable for everyone to tell lies
argue that their habits of telling lies are intelligent rather
than foolish
are misunderstood as being either cowardly or brave individuals
35、【 单选题
In the author’s opinion,___. [1分]
bismarck and Napoleon were intelligent men of truth
in modern society, nobody can escape the risk of making a false
statement, intentionally or unintentionally
untruthful man is worried about being found out
our civilized life makes conscious lies impossible
36、【 单选题
They question whether a fair way can be ___ to tell which
employees really perform better than their fellow employees. [1分]
37、【 单选题
The report indicates that it is financially ___ to build a water
power station in the area. [1分]
38、【 单选题
Somehow she felt that she herself had to some extent been the
cause of all the trouble,and suffered___.  [1分]
39、【 单选题
The gas company ___ a leak in the main line and evacuated all the
tenants of the building. [1分]
40、【 单选题
At the 27th Olympic Games she ___ two gold and one silver medals
in the track and field events. [1分]
carried away
carried off
carried over
carried through
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