1、【 单选题
At a theatre.
At a booking office.
At a railway station.
At a restaurant.
2、【 单选题
The man is inviting the woman to dinner.
The woman is too busy to join the man for dinner.
The woman is a friend of the Stevensons.
The man is going to visit the Stevensons.
3、【 单选题
The professor’s presentation was not convincing enough.
The professor’s lecture notes were too complicated.
The professor spoke with a strong accent.
The professor spoke too fast.
4、【 单选题
The furnished apartment was inexpensive.
The apartment was provided with some old furniture.
The furniture in the market was on sale every Sunday.
The furniture he bought was very cheap.
5、【 单选题
The man is thinking about taking a new job.
The man likes a job that enables him to travel.
The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job.
The man doesn’t want to stay home and take care of their child.
6、【 单选题
Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks.
Call to check his scores.
Be patient and wait.
Inquire when the test scores are released.
7、【 单选题
She read it selectively.
She went over it chapter by chapter.
She read it slowly.
She finished it at a stretch.
8、【 单选题
He was kept in hospital for a long time.
He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.
He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.
He was fined for speeding.
9、【 单选题
Wait for a taxi.
Buy some food.
Go on a trip.
Book train tickets.
10、【 单选题
It’s not as hard as expected.
It’s too tough for some students.
It’s much more difficult than people think.
It’s believed to be the hardest optional course.
11、【 单选题
Anxious and worried.
Proud and excited.
Nervous and confused.
Inspired and confident.
12、【 单选题
His father scolded him severely.
His father took back the six dollars.
His father made him do the cutting again.
His father cut the leaves himself.
13、【 单选题
One can benefit a lot from working with his father.
Manual labourers shouldn’t be looked down upon.
One should always do his job earnestly.
Teenagers tend to be careless.
Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.
14、【 单选题
He ran a village shop.
He worked on a farm.
He worked in an advertising agency.
He was a gardener.
15、【 单选题
It was stressful.
It was colorful.
It was peaceful.
It was boring.
16、【 单选题
His desire to start Iris own business.
The crisis in his family life.
The decline in his health.
His dream of living in the countryside.
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
17、【 单选题
Because there are no signs to direct them.
Because no tour guides are available.
Because all the buildings in the city look alike.
Because the university is everywhere in the city.
18、【 单选题
They set their own exams.
They select their own students.
They award their own degrees.
They organize their own laboratory work.
19、【 单选题
Most of them have a long history.
Many of them are specialized libraries.
They house more books than any other university library.
They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.
20、【 单选题
Very few of them are engaged in research.
They were not awarded degrees until 1948.
They have outnumbered male students.
They were not treated equally until 1881.
21、【 单选题
By mentioning “the same time crunch” (Line 1, Para. 2) Sandra Hofferth means ________. [1分]
children have little time to play with their parents
children are not taken good care of by their working parents
both parents and children suffer from lack of leisure time
both parents and children have trouble managing their time
22、【 单选题
According to the author, the reason given by Sandra Hofferth for the time crunch is ________. [1分]
quite convincing
partially true
totally groundless
rather confusing
23、【 单选题
According to the author a child develops better if ________. [1分]
he has plenty of time reading and studying
he is left to play with his peers in his own way
he has more time participating in school activities
he is free to interact with his working parents
24、【 单选题
The author is concerned about the fact that American kids ________. [1分]
are engaged in more and more structured activities
are increasingly neglected by their working mothers
are spending more and more time watching TV
are involved less and less in household work
25、【 单选题
We can infer from the passage that ________. [1分]
extracurricular activities promote children’s intelligence
most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched off
efforts to get kids interested in reading have been fruitful
most parents believe reading to be beneficial to children
26、【 单选题
The United States is a typical country ________. [1分]
which encourages free trade at home and abroad
where people’s chief concern is how to make money
where all businesses are managed scientifically
which normally works according to the federal budget
27、【 单选题
The influence of business in the U.S. is evidenced by the fact that ________. [1分]
most newspapers are run by big businesses
even public organizations concentrate on working for profits
Americans of all professions know how to do business
even arts and entertainment are regarded as business
28、【 单选题
According to the passage, immigrants choose to settle in the U.S., dreaming that ________. [1分]
they can start profitable businesses there
they can be more competitive in business
they will make a fortune overnight there
they will find better chances of employment
29、【 单选题
Henry Ford’s statement can be taken negatively because ________. [1分]
working people are discouraged to fight for their fights
there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalists
there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and labor
public services are not run by the federal government
30、【 单选题
A company’s efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result in ________. [1分]
reduction in the number of employees
improvement of working conditions
fewer disputes between labor and management
a rise in workers’ wages
31、【 单选题
In his study Professor Smith asked the subjects ________. [1分]
to keep track of people who tend to forget things
to report their embarrassing lapses at random
to analyse their awkward experiences scientifically
to keep a record of what they did unintentionally
32、【 单选题
Professor Smith discovered that ________. [1分]
certain patterns can be identified in the recorded incidents
many people were too embarrassed to admit their absent-mindedness
men tend to be more absent-minded than women
absent-mindedness is an excusable human weakness
33、【 单选题
“Programme assembly failures” (Line 6, Para. 2) refers to the phenomenon that people ________. [1分]
often fail to programme their routines beforehand
tend to make mistakes when they are in a hurry
unconsciously change the sequence of doing things
are likely to mess things up if they are too tired
34、【 单选题
We learn from the third paragraph that ________. [1分]
absent-mindedness tends to occur during certain hours of the day
women are very careful to perform actions during peak periods
women experience more peak periods of absent-mindedness
men’s absent-mindedness often results in funny situations
35、【 单选题
It can be concluded from the passage that ________. [1分]
people should avoid doing important things during peak periods of lapses
hazards can be avoided when people do things they are good at
people should be careful when programming their actions
lapses cannot always be attributed to lack of concentration
36、【 单选题
What was the primary consideration in the Florida judge’s ruling? [1分]
The biological link.
The child’s benefits.
The traditional practice.
The parents’ feelings.
37、【 单选题
We can learn from the Kimberly case that ________. [1分]
children are more than just personal possessions of their parents
the biological link between parent and child should be emphasized
foster homes bring children more pain and suffering than care
biological parents shouldn’t claim custody rights after their child is adopted
38、【 单选题
The Twiggs claimed custody rights to Kimberly because ________. [1分]
they found her unhappy in Mr. Mays’ custody
they regarded her as their property
they were her biological parents
they felt guilty about their past mistake
39、【 单选题
Kimberly had been given to Mr. Mays ________. [1分]
by sheer accident
out of charity
at his request
for better care
40、【 单选题
The author’s attitude towards the judge’s ruling could be described as ________. [1分]
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