【考前30天绝密资料】2012年高考考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 19(湖北专用)
1、【 单选题
“Marine cloud whitening” has an effect on global warming by ________. [4分]
cutting sunlight
sending cold air into space
cooling water in the air
cooling air with water
2、【 单选题
The underlined word “longevity” in the second paragraph means “________”. [4分]
long life
3、【 单选题
Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being’s finger skin ________. [4分]
is similar to his mother’s
is valuable to himself only
is like that of others with the same type of blood
is different from that of all others
4、【 单选题
According to UC Berkeley’s new findings, the benefit of a nap is that ________. [4分]
it helps to fix a napper’s sleep­wake cycle
it makes hard learning tasks not difficult any more
it allows the brain to make room for new learning
it gives nappers chances to clear their memory storage
5、【 单选题
According to the passage, the credit card makes its owner  ________. [4分]
withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes
obtain more convenient services than other people do
enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper
cash money where he wishes to
6、【 单选题
From the last sentence of the first paragraph we learn that ________. [4分]
in the future all the Americans will use credit cards
nowadays many Americans do not pay in cash
it is now more convenient to use credit cards than before
credit cards are mainly used in the United States today
7、【 单选题
The text mainly talks about________. [4分]
men’s heart cells
women’s ageing process
the gender difference
hearts and long life
8、【 单选题
Matthew Walker’s study shows that ________. [4分]
learning ability in the morning is usually higher than that in the afternoon
extra working hours before an exam can make up for the lack of daily efforts
the size of the effects of napping depends on when it is taken
staying up late before an exam does not necessarily improve students’ exam performance
9、【 单选题
If your fingers are wounded by knife, fire or other means, the structure of skin will ________. [4分]
be changed partly
be replaced by a different one
be the same when the wound is recovered
become ugly
10、【 单选题
The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ________. [4分]
ways to deal with climate change
the costs to deal with climate change
cloud whitening costs much less than other projects
leading nations waste much money in cutting CO2 emissions
11、【 单选题
The phrase “ring up sales” most probably means ________(Para. 2). [4分]
make an order of goods
record sales on a cash register
call the sales manager
keep track of the goods in stock
12、【 单选题
Some criminals remove their own finger­prints by ________. [4分]
using printer’s ink
injuring the inner skin
damaging the outer skin
damaging the colour
13、【 单选题
According to the text, the UK scientists have known that________. [4分]
men have fewer cells than women when they are born
women can produce the cells that make the heart beat
the female heart suffers less loss of the cells as she ages
women will never suffer the loss of pumping power as they age
14、【 单选题
Compared to other projects, cloud whitening ________. [4分]
has a greater effect on volcanoes
will bring more benefits
will benefit man’s health most
can reduce temperatures in a better way
15、【 单选题
The two research teams mentioned in the text may both agree that ________. [4分]
people’s sleep­wake cycle decides the length of the midday nap
sufficient sleep betters people’s learning performance
scientific experiments are undependable as the results are often hard to judge
the differences in their findings result from different methods applied
16、【 单选题
What can we learn from this passage? [4分]
Rolling your eyes can stop you from napping.
Some people might move themselves when sleeping.
College students tend to study late into night before important exams.
Sleeping once over 24 hours is much better than daytime napping.
17、【 单选题
If you want to live a long life, you should________. [4分]
enable your heart to beat much faster
think about the reason for ageing
take regular exercise to keep your heart healthy
stop your cells from being lost
18、【 单选题
Finger­prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal cases because it ________. [4分]
is complicated but reliable
is simple and not expensive
is expensive but easy to do
can bring a lot of money
19、【 单选题
What is this passage mainly about? [4分]
Approaches to the commercial use of computers.
Conveniences brought about by computers in business.
Significance of automation in commercial companies.
Advantages of credit cards in business.
20、【 单选题
It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that cloud whitening ________. [4分]
helps us learn more about global warming
means cutting CO2 emissions
is the best way to deal with climate change
can’t stop global warming basically
21、【 单选题
If sleep mode goes wrong,what will probably happen to your computer? [4分]
It will consume as little energy as possible.
It is more likely to be damaged by a virus picked up from the Internet.
It will have to be rebooted when used again.
It has to be shut down and unplugged.
22、【 单选题
It can be inferred that ________. [4分]
computers will bring disaster
computer industry will not develop faster
computers will bring about more convenience to people’s life
computers can only be used in banks
23、【 单选题
Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text that contributes to the different amount of energy a computer consumes? [4分]
Whether it is a laptop or a desktop computer.
What kind of work the computer is dealing with.
The choice of how you use your computer.
Whether the operating systems are new.
24、【 单选题
When does a computer consume the most energy? [4分]
When we let it remain idle.
When we use it to do complex calculations.
When we use it to type some documents and e­mail.
When we use it for surfing the Internet.
25、【 单选题
The reason why a desktop computer uses more energy than a laptop computer is that________. [4分]
a desktop computer’s monitor is separate and often larger
a desktop computer is larger than a laptop computer in size
a desktop computer performs more kinds of work than a laptop computer
a desktop computer is not energy­efficient
26、【 单选题
Which of the following is implied in the first two paragraphs? [4分]
Frequent starting and stopping can damage a computer.
A computer’s longevity depends more on the proper way you use it.
A virus picked up from the Internet is likely to damage a computer.
The more often you use a computer,the more smoothly it works.
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