1、【 单选题

W: Can you describe what you do?
M: I wash office building windows. I go high up in the basket to reach the windows.
Q: What is the man's job? [2分]
A basketball player.
A laundry worker.
A window washer.
A rock climber
2、【 单选题

M: Should we go out or eat in tonight?
W: I am too tired to do any cooking.
Q: What does the woman imply? [2分]
She is not hungry.
She wants to cook.
She is not tired.
She wants to dine out.
3、【 单选题

M: Hi, Grace. Tell me something about your hometown.
W: It's so beautiful and peaceful. But it's really far away from everything.
Q: What does the woman think of her hometown? [2分]
4、【 单选题

W: My printer is out of paper. I will run and get some.
M: I will go with you. I need some fresh air.
Q: Where will the speakers probably go? [2分]
To a stationery shop.
To a gymnasium.
To a paint store.
To a news stand.
5、【 单选题

M: I don't like the prices on the menu. They always seem too high.
W: You will have a different view after eating the delicious food.
Q: What does the woman mean? [2分]
The man can see a different view.
The food is not tasty enough.
The man cannot afford the food.
The food is worth the price.
6、【 单选题

M: I had a hard time getting through the novel.
W: I know how you feel. Who could remember the names of 35 different characters?
Q: What does the woman imply? [2分]
She reads different kinds of books.
She also finds the book difficult to read.
She is impressed by the characters.
She knows well how to remember names.
7、【 单选题

W: Why haven't we received any newspapers yet?
M: Well, sometimes it takes a while for the post office to deliver it.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation? [2分]
The man will go to the post office.
The post office is closed for the day.
The woman is expecting the newspaper.
The delivery boy has been dismissed.
8、【 单选题

M: My roommate and I are going to see a film tonight. And we are leaving at7:40.Do you want to join us?
W: Sure. But my class ends at 7:30.And the professor never finishes on time.
Q: What can we learn about the woman? [2分]
She is not sure if she can join them.
She will skip the class to see the film.
She will ask the professor for leave.
She does not want to see a film.
9、【 单选题

W: Now that you are on the business, what’s your advice for someone to become a fashion designer?
M: Go to school. I mean it. Find a good school and learn as much as you can.
Q: What does the man mean? [2分]
Fashion designing is a booming business.
School learning is a must for fashion designers.
He hopes to attend a good fashion school.
The woman should become a fashion designer.
10、【 单选题

W: Slow down. You are passing every car on the road.
M: Most drivers usually ignore the speed limit unless they think the police will stop them.
Q: What does the man mean? [2分]
Few people drive within the speed limit.
Drivers usually obey traffic rules.
The speed limit is really reasonable.
The police stop most drivers for speeding
11、【 单选题
What was the speaker’s previous job? [2分]
A book publisher.
A company manager.
A magazine editor.
A school principal.
12、【 单选题
What helps to make the speaker productive according to the passage? [2分]
Some training experience.
A happy family.
Russian assistants' help.
A good memory.
13、【 单选题
What does the passage mainly tell us? [2分]
Lynn’s devotion to the family.
Lynn’s busy and successful life.
Lynn’s great performance at work.
Lynn’s efficiency in conducting programs.
14、【 单选题
What kind of questions are usually asked in the traditional interview? [2分]
Economic questions.
Routine questions.
Academic questions.
Challenging questions.
15、【 单选题
What does the case interview focus on about the candidate? [2分]
Work experience.
Educational qualifications.
Problem-solving abilities.
lnfomation-gathering abilities.
16、【 单选题
What does the speaker mainly talk about? [2分]
Features of different types of interview.
Skills in asking interview questions.
Changes in three interview models.
Suggestions for different job interviews.
17、【 填空题
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24、【 填空题
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25、【 简答题
今年元旦我们玩得很开心。(enjoy) [3分]
We enjoyed ourselves very much on this New Year's Day.
26、【 简答题
舅舅昨天寄给我一张卡片,祝贺我18岁生日。(congratulate) [4分]
My uncle sent me a card to congratulate me on my eighteenth birthday yesterday.
27、【 简答题
经过多年的建设,这个小镇现在和地震前一样充满了活力。(as...as) [4分]
After years of construction, this town is as lively now as it used to be before the earthquake.
28、【 简答题
演出以一段五十多岁的人耳熟能详的经典音乐开始。(familiar) [4分]
The show started with a piece of music familiar to people in their fifties.
29、【 简答题
她一看完那个关于已灭绝物种的电视节目,就立志加入野生动物保护组织。(No sooner) [4分]
No sooner had she finished watching that programme about those extinct species, than she decided to join the Wildlife Conservation Organization.
30、【 简答题
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given in Chinese.
2.说明你的理由(从便利性,专业性等方面对这两个场所进行对比) [25分]
To whom it may concern:
I’ve learned that an art exhibition is to be held and that you’re collecting suggestions on its location. I’m writing this letter to share with you my opinions.
In my opinion, it is more advisable to hold the art exhibition in Shanghai Museum than in community libraries. My reasons are as follows.
On one hand, it is more convenient for people to get to Shanghai Museum which is located in the center of the city. And the museum is much more spacious than community libraries, which provides visitors with a more comfortable environment for appreciating art.
On the other hand, as a well-known museum, Shanghai Museum is more professional and experienced in holding art exhibitions. Its professional security guards and advanced facilities can better protect those famous paintings from being damaged or stolen.
Therefore, I suggest the exhibition be held in the museum.
Wang Min
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