1、【 填空题
    The office has always been a place to get ahead. It is the place where many people make career a success. Unfortunately, it is also   a lot of natural resources start to fall behind. Pay attention,  you will find the following things: when people leave, they leave their lights on and their computers   (work); they tend to throw cans and bottles away instead of considering recycling them; they are also not in the habit of saving paper or water.
    Wasting natural resources is of no benefit but harm to the environment. Now,   (produce)less waste at work, we should at least do the following things.   we are at the copier, only make the copies we need. Use   sides of the paper when writing something less important. Turn   our lights when we leave. Start to set up a recycling box   cans and bottles. Remember, if we use   (little) today, we’ll save more for tomorrow. [每空1.5分]
答案: [""]
2、【 简答题
1 减少电器使用,不用时关闭电源;
2 尽量步行或骑自行车;
3 劝父母购买节能产品;
4 多植树,爱护树木。
1 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;
2 短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总句数。
As global warming is getting more and more serious, people now are paying more attention to how to deal with the problem.                                        .
Remember that your contribution counts. [15分]
    As global warming is getting more and more serious, people now are paying more attention to how to deal with the problem. As middle school students, firstly in order to save electricity, we should use electric items less often if possible, and turn them off if not using them. Secondly, it’s beneficial to us and the environment if we choose to walk or ride a bike when going out. Besides, it’s quite helpful to persuade our parents to buy products which use less energy. Finally but most importantly, we should plant as many trees as possible, and take good care of the plants around us. I strongly believe that individuals together can make a difference, so let’s start to take actions and make the earth a better place to live on.
    Remember that your contribution counts.
3、【 简答题
Let’s face it. You are constantly exposed to common viruses. There is nothing you can do about them. However, you can greatly influence the effect of those viruses on your health. Don’t accept that the flu or common cold is something you have to suffer from time to time. Cast off this thought and keep yourself and your entire family healthy regardless of the weather or season. These 4 easy tips will help you to reduce the number of times you are down with the flu or common cold:
1  Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables daily. They will provide you with important nutrients, mainly vitamins, which are needed to increase your ability to win the fight against common viruses.
2  Drink plenty of water. The water runs through your body, removing everything your body wants to get rid of. Stop drinking water 30 minutes before a meal and wait for 2 hours after a meal. This will prevent the water from making your digestive juices weaker.
3  Sleep more than 8 hours per night. If you often fail to have enough sleep, not only will you feel tired, but also your immune system will work less efficiently. You will be more easily affected by viruses.
4  Think positively and keep an optimistic view on your life situations. Your mind and your immune system talk with each other. Your encouraging thoughts will bring the best out from your immune system. Keep always in mind that your reaction to the first sign of the flu or common cold should be something like: I am sure my immune system will easily win the fight against those viruses. I am going to stay healthy!
1 以约30个词概括以上短文的主要内容。
2 然后以约120个词谈谈你对养成健康生活习惯的看法,内容包括:
(1) 病毒的危害及形成健康生活习惯的必要性;
(2) 要保持健康,还有哪些可行措施;
(3) 倡导大家培养良好生活习惯,健康生活。
1 作文中可使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [25分]
    From the passage, we can conclude that we may often be infected with different viruses; however, we can avoid them if we form good living habits, such as eating healthy food,   drinking plenty of water, and so on
    As we know, viruses can cause diseases, which range from a slight cold to the murderous AIDS. To stay away from the harm of these viruses, it’s necessary for us to form healthy habits.
    In addition to the four tips mentioned in the above passage, I think forming a habit of doing physical exercise regularly is also important. Physically, doing exercise strengthens our body and builds up our immunity. Besides, working up a good sweat helps rid ourselves of worries and unhappiness, making us feel needed and fulfilled. Together, these habits will make us stronger and enable us to fight against viruses.
    In conclusion, we should lead a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy food, drinking proper amount of water at proper times, having enough sleep, assuming a positive life attitude and doing sports regularly. Only in this way can we fight against viruses.
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