广东省东莞市第七高级中学2012--2013学年高一3月月考英语试题 新人教版
1、【 单选题
Mr. Smith wants to buy a car. He wants to buy a used one for he hasn’t enough money, but he knows little about the business on used cars. Where can he find some help? [2分]
2、【 单选题
Tony just got married and is spending his honeymoon in Sydney. They want to find somewhere
nice to have their supper. [2分]
3、【 单选题
Mr. and Mrs. Li want to send their only son Li Zhi to go to high school abroad. They want to choose a good school for their child. They need a guide. [2分]
4、【 单选题
Mr. Garry Brown plans to send his two daughters to a school only for girls. He thinks this kind of school is much better for them than any other kind of school. [2分]
5、【 单选题
Echo wants to buy a big house for her parents. She is a millionaire and likes big and comfortable house. [2分]
6、【 填空题
Items Things to do
   should be tied to the wall.
Walls should be especially.
The building has  windows.
Objects in the  room can be tied to tables.
The kitchen must have  on all the cupboards.
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7、【 填空题
   (hear) their teacher's voice, the pupils stopped talking at once. [每空1分]
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8、【 填空题
He   (bring) up in North Yorkshire by his grandmother . [每空1分]
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9、【 填空题
It may be   (believe), but it's the truth. [每空1分]
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10、【 填空题
She was so tired that she didn't even have the   (strong) to stand up. [每空1分]
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11、【 填空题
She had her hair cut last night, now it is   (thin) and shorter. [每空1分]
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12、【 填空题
Thousands of patients have benefited   the new medicine. [每空1分]
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13、【 填空题
I find   strange that she doesn’t want to go. [每空1分]
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14、【 填空题
Great changes   (take) place in China over the past few years. [每空1分]
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15、【 填空题
Those   keep working hard will soon be successful. [每空1分]
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16、【 填空题
We tried to save the building,    it was a hopeless task. [每空1分]
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17、【 填空题
Please call me on your    (arrive) at the hotel. [每空1分]
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18、【 填空题
She did not know   had happened. [每空1分]
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19、【 填空题
With time    (go) by, my memory seemed to get worse. [每空1分]
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20、【 填空题
I have borrowed   useful book from the library to prepare for my coming exam. [每空1分]
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21、【 填空题
People began looking across to see   the noise was coming from. [每空1分]
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22、【 填空题
If the neighbours do not give any sweets , the children might   (捉弄) them. [每空2分]
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23、【 填空题
He is full of curiosity, but his mother tells him not   (对……好奇) everything. [每空2分]
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24、【 填空题
It's not easy   (谋生) if you don't have any skills in the modern society. [每空2分]
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25、【 填空题
As is well -known, computers are playing an important role in our daily life.  (改写)  
  computers are playing an important role in our daily life. [每空2分]
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26、【 填空题
I never forget the day. She said goodbye to me on that day. (合并为定语从句)
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27、【 填空题
We can succeed only by working hard.  (用倒装句改写)
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28、【 填空题
我想知道你是否介意我们问几个问题。 (翻译)
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29、【 填空题
很明显,他在撒谎。 (翻译)
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30、【 简答题
请根据下列提示要点,用英语写一篇关于J.K.Rowling 的短文。
3.就是在1990年她有了写关于Harry Potter的想法。
4.她的第一部“Harry Potter”的书出版于1997年,从那以后,她成为世界上最受儿童欢迎的作家。
参考词汇:鼓励encourage  ; 出版 publish
【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 [20分]
J.K.Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter, was born in England, July 1965. From an early age, J.K.Rowling had dreamt of being a writer. After finishing high school, her parents encouraged her to study French. After having spent a year in Paris, J.K.Rowling graduated from university and worked in London. It was in 1990 that J.K.Rowling first had the idea about Harry Potter. Her first Harry Potter book was published in 1997 and since then, J.K.Rowling has become the most popular writer among children in the world.
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