1、【 填空题
People should share the (大自然) with all wild animals. [每空1分]
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2、【 填空题
The Chinese (政府) likes slogans. [每空1分]
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3、【 填空题
A good ( 开始)  is half done . [每空1分]
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4、【 填空题
As middle students , we should do something for ( 社会 ) [每空1分]
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5、【 填空题
I have no idea if (是否) I should  (接受) his gifts . [每空1分]
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6、【 填空题
This is not a man-made hill . It is ( 自然的) [每空1分]
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7、【 填空题
The people are badly in need of food .,clothes and (庇护所) after the earthquake . [每空1分]
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8、【 填空题
More and more young people can understand the (重要性)of health . [每空1分]
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9、【 填空题
People must stop ( 杀 ) wild animals .
B)根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空 [每空1分]
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10、【 填空题
Max tells funny jokes and often makes his classmates   ( laugh ) [每空1分]
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11、【 填空题
The zookeeper told us any noise in the zoo. (not make) [每空1分]
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12、【 填空题
We hope you can accept our and join us . ( invite ) [每空1分]
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13、【 填空题
All of us should do something the lovely giant pandas. (protect) [每空1分]
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14、【 填空题
I heard your daughter in the next room at ten last night.(sing) [每空1分]
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15、【 填空题
Project Hope books and good schools   the poor children . [每空1分]
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16、【 填空题
We’d better for the wildlife. [每空1分]
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17、【 填空题
Birds are , they can sound . [每空1分]
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18、【 填空题
Yancheng Nature Reserve is a  place birds .        . [每空1分]
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19、【 填空题
It is important  to English for half every morning . [每空1分]
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20、【 填空题
The Internet says people killed a lot of wild animals for m money. Some people like e the wild animals, but they don’t know wild animals can also b  diseases to people. We must do something to s the diseases(病,疾病) from harming our h ,A ,many people don’t know the i of protecting the wild animals. The n of wild animals is smaller and smaller. In order to k the balance(平衡)of nature, we should try our best to p wild animals and our environment. [每空1分]
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21、【 填空题
    Australia has a lot of lovely animals . The most famous ones are kangaroos and koalas(考拉)。The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia . They have large eyes and ears . They don’t walk but jump .They use their strong back legs .They can jump at up to 74 kilometers per hour .They can go over nine meters in one jump .Kangaroo mothers have pouches (育儿袋)to carry their babies. The babies stay inside to get milk and keep warm .   
    Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia . They are on TV , in books and in the shops. The government even wants to put them on passports (护照) 。
    There are about 20-25 million kangaroos in Australia . That’s more than the number of people in the country ! Some kangaroos go hungry because there is not enough to eat . They break into farms for food . Farmers are very angry with them . To help the farmers , the Australian government kills some kangaroos each year .
    Koalas are another kind of famous Australian animals .They look like bears, and have small eyes and big noses. They eat leaves from gumtrees(胶树) where they spend most of their time . Kangaroos have a special smell. They use it to make their homes—“This is my place , You can’t come in .” Like kangaroos , a koala baby live in its mother’s pouch . But koalas have fewer place to live . There are 100,000 koalas in Australia . There is a law to keep them safe .
  kangaroos koalas
looks 1.  2.       
3  They don’t  have  to eat . 5.    
Number 6        7.                                 
Life In order to the farmers, the  Australian government
  some kangaroos every year
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22、【 简答题
3) 想成为观鸟协会的一员,了解更多鸟类知识 4.做点事保护鸟类,星期日下午2-5点可以参加活动
Dear Chairperson ,
     I would like to join the Birdwatching Society.

     I will be very happy if I can become a member of the Birdwatching Society. My telephone number is 5558-6930.
yours sincerely,
Liming [10分]
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