考研英语模拟试题[11]Simulated Test
1、【 单选题
calls for
makes sure
objects to
succeeds in
2、【 单选题
3、【 单选题
4、【 单选题
5、【 单选题
6、【 单选题
What does the author think Joe Templer should be blamed for? [2分]
He should have equipped his car with a security system.
He should not have his car refilled at the gas station.
He should not have been so sure of himself.
He should have shut down the engine of his car.
7、【 单选题
It is obvious that the Michigan program _____ . [2分]
has no effect on the overall picture of the whole state.
involves much work but proves to be quite effective.
involves the construction of larger prisons
involves the development of a new security system
8、【 单选题
What type(s)of security system can help the police find a stole car back? [2分]
The device that sends out radio signals
The device that disables the fuel pump.
The device that disables the starter.
All of the above.
9、【 单选题
According to the author, social and behavioral sciences are losing federal financial support chiefly because some people _____ . [2分]
don't see the seriousness of the present situation
don't quite see the use for these sciences
only consider natural sceinces as true sciences
are unble to solve social problems with them
10、【 单选题
In the third paragraph, the author uses some findings to illustrate _____ . [2分]
some achievements made in social and behavioral sciences
the demand for social and behavioral studies
the current trend in the increase of crimes
the inefficiency of criminal justice and prison policies
11、【 单选题
In the last sentence of the passage, the word“confinement”is closest in meaning to the word _____ . [2分]
12、【 单选题
The author thinks that revising starts when _____ . [2分]
you want to show what you know
you think about your audience
you have discovered your idea
you have developed an overall writing plan
13、【 单选题
The chief purpose in revising your writing is for you to _____ . [2分]
learn in the course of writing
add new ideas to your writing
show your learning to its best advantage
use an appropriate style of language
14、【 单选题
What Doris Lessing said helps to support the idea that _____ . [2分]
he is one of the world's great revisers
he is not a good writer
revising is very important
many writers are unwilling to revise their works
15、【 单选题
The author points out that differences in peopls's ways of life come from _____ . [2分]
their cultural traditions
their adaptions to the environment
their demands for natural resources
their notions about the environment
16、【 单选题
Social organizations and technology develop as a result of people's _____ . [2分]
adaptation to the environment
attempt to change nature
efforts to create peaceful societies
desire to create bigger societies
17、【 单选题
The ultimate goal in developing technology is for people to _____ . [2分]
get practical skills and arts
obtain greater amounts of energy
effect social changes
create new cultures
18、【 单选题
Which of the following titles best reflects the main focus of the passage? [2分]
A Survey of Three MexicanAmerican Families at Work in Texas.
Innovative Career Women: Effects on Family Unity.
Changes in the Lifestyles of Migrant MexicanAmerican Families.
Farming of Family: The Unavoidable Choice for Migrant Farm Workers.
19、【 单选题
All of the following statements about pattern II children express differences EXCEPT _____ . [2分]
they migrate for part of each year
they spend less time contributing to family income
they spend more months on school
their parents sometimes work at jobs other than farming
20、【 单选题
According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of women in pattern III families? [2分]
They earn a reliable and compartively high income.
They continue to work solely to meet the urgent needs of their family.
They enjoy the fellowship involved in working with other women
They serve as models of behavior for others in the region.
21、【 单选题
The author's attitude towards the three patterns of behavior mentioned in the passage is best described as one of _____ . [2分]
great admiration
unbiased objectivity
22、【 简答题
Directions: [15分]
    Spring Festival, lunar New Year for Chinese, is the most important holiday in China. The festival with its rich and colourful traditions is celebrated almost in every part of China. To prepare for the festival, families usually give their houses a thorough general cleaning and decorate them with beautiful pictures hung on walls, papercuts on windows and Spring Festival couples on both sides of the door. Moreover, nearly everyone no matter a child or an adult looks especially impressive after taking a shower and having a haircut, both of which are essentially required before the festival. With the fresh and vigourous look, people greet the New Year.
    The traditional celebrations vary from place to place, but there are three traditions that have never varied thoughout the country. First, the New Year Eve dinner is a symbol of family reunion, all family members sitting around the dinner table, tasting delicious dishes in a dizzying variety and wishing the aged good health, young men success and children happiness. Secondly, people, during holidays, visit each other to express their good wishes. And finally, of all festivities, the lion and dragon dances symbolising happiness, good fortune and prosperity can be seen everywhere from east to west, north to south in China.
    As for me, I manage to return home every Spring Festival. I enjoy the dominant atmosphere of joyous family reunion, having all kinds of food over watching TV special shows for the holiday. It is so pleasant and relaxing that no other atmosphere can compete with it! I also enjoy visiting friends or being visited. It is really an opportunity to exchange as much information as we can and strenthen the friendship. Sometimes I also go to cinema or parks. Though I spend the festival usually the same way year by year it never loses its attractions for me. After enjoying this Spring Festival I am expecting the next one.
23、【 简答题
Women make up 40 percent of the world's work force in agriculture, a quarter in industry, and a third in services. Women farmers in the developing countries grow at least 50 percent of the world's food—as much as 80 percent in some African countries. [3分]
这是一个简单句,是主谓宾结构,即:一个主语、三个宾语。句架是:Women make up 40% of…in agriculture, quarter in industry, a third in services。本句应译成:“妇女在农业方面占世界劳动力的40%,在工业方面占1/4,在服务业方面占1/3。”
24、【 简答题
In addition to incomegenerating activities(in cash and kind), women's household activities include caring for the sick, house maintenance, and such vital work as caring for children, preparing food, and fetching firewood and water. Yet women's productivity remains low—both in incomegenerating work and in home produciton. Improving women's productivity can contribute to growth, efficiency, and poverty reduction—key development goals everywhere. [3分]
这是一个简单句,句架是:In addition to…,women's…activities include…。句中incomegenerating是“挣 收入”的意思。in cash and kind,“现金与实物”。本句应译成:“除了挣收入(现金与实物)外,妇女的家务活动包括照看病人、房屋维修以及照看孩子、做饭、拾柴和打水等重要工作。”
25、【 简答题
Investing in women—in education, health, family planning—is thus an important part of development strategy as well as a matter of social justice. It is an integral part of the World Bank's overall strategy for poverty reduciton that calls for broadly based, laborabsorbing economic growth and improved human resource development. [3分]
这是一个简单句,句架是:Investing in women…is an important part…as a matter…。本句译成:“在妇女身上投资--在教育、卫生、计划生育等方面投资--既是社会公平问题,也是发展战略的重要组成部分。”
26、【 简答题
If longterm change in the conditions of women is to be achieved, the actions and attiudes of men must change, and it is important that men be brought along in the process of change. For example, family planning information campaigns should be aimed at men as well as women because it is when men and women are able to make joint informed decisions on family size, child spacing, and appropriate methods of contraception, that these programs are most successful. Likewise, problems affecting women are often closerelated to the social relationships between men and women. [3分]
这是一个并列复合句,两个句子由and连接。句架是:If…change is to be achieved, the actions…must change, and it is important that…。第一个句子的句首由If引导条件状语从句,说明…must change。第二个句子中,it是形式主语,真主语是that引导的名词从句。在从句中因为前面有important,因而that所引导的从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟式,be brought along=should be brought along。本句应译成:“如果要长期改变妇女的条件,男人的行动和态度也必须改变,而且在(妇女条件)改变的过程中男人改变态度是重要的。”
27、【 简答题
For example, many women's health problems are embedded in unequal gender relation in work loads, responsibilities for family welfare, and access to resources and decisionmaking; it is impossible to deal effectively with women's health problems through approaches that deal only with women. [3分]
这是一个并列复合句,两个句子由分号连接。句架是:women's health problems are embedded…;it is impossible to…。在第二个句子中,关系代词that引导定语从句,修饰approaches。句中embed当“被埋置于……”讲,此处引申为“根源于……”;access当“获得”讲。本句应译成:“例如,许多妇女的健康问题根源于工作负担、对家庭幸福所负的责任、获得资财和决策等方面的男女不平等,因此不可能通过单方面处理妇女问题的方法有效地解决妇女的健康问题。”
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