1、【 单选题
 Why does the student go to see the professor?  [10分]
To obtain notes from a class she missed
To discuss a conference she attended
To ask about a possible topic for a research paper
To clarify information about volunteering in the community
2、【 单选题
What caused the woman to become interested in bioluminescence? [100分]
It was mentioned in the notes from a class she missed
She observed the phenomenon while on a recent trip to a conference
A volunteer she worked with told her about seeing some bioluminescent fish
A volunteer she worked with told her about seeing some bioluminescent fish
3、【 单选题
What does the student say about the conference she attended? [10分]
It will help convince students to get involved in the community
It taught her a lot about marine ecosystemsen
It helped her gain a volunteer position at a local organization
Few students were involved in the conferencen
4、【 单选题
According to the professor, why were the jellyfish that the student saw glowing? [10分]
They were avoiding predators by blending in with their surrounding
They were trying to confuse predators with bright flashes of light
They were communicating with each otherndFrag
They were trying to light up the dark water so they could see prey
5、【 单选题
What does the professor imply about the student’s proposed research topic? [10分]
A variety of bioluminescent organisms should be included in the researchl
Writing about the topic might be difficult because there is so much information on it
The student should choose a topic that has already been covered in classl
The student should explain how bioluminescence benefits various species of jellyfish differently
6、【 单选题
What is the main purpose of the lecture? [10分]
To explain the historical conditions that inspired Dada artistsbold
To discuss examples of Dada paintings and sculpturesody
To describe how Dada was presented theatricallyhtml
To show the influence of Dada on today’s performing artistss
7、【 单选题
Why does the professor mention a stool with a bicycle wheel mounted on top? [10分]
To give an example of what Dadaists were reacting against
To show something that Dadaists would consider beautiful
To illustrate how Dadaists rejected the traditional definition of art
To explain the Dadaists’ practice of creating sculptures from everyday objects
8、【 单选题
According to the professor, why did some Dadaist write poetry by pulling words out of a hat? [10分]
To reflect the randomness they saw in the worldt?
To illustrate the connection between poetry performances and magic shows
To indicate that Dada should not be taken too seriously
To demonstrate that Dadaists did not need much formal training
9、【 单选题
Why does the professor say this? [10分]
He does not approve of all the aspects of the shows.
He does not think the events can be easily defined.
He does not consider the shows to be authentic Dada. 
He does not know enough about the events to categorize them.
10、【 单选题
What is the main propose of the lecture? [10分]
To compare solutions to the greenhouse-gas problem
To examine methods used to study star formation in other solar systems
To discuss evidence for liquid water on young Earth and Mars
To discuss attempts to solve a puzzle related to the Sun
11、【 单选题
Why is geological evidence of liquid water on Earth and Mars three to four billion years ago problematic? [10分]
It suggests that the solar system is younger than it could possibly be.
It suggests that the young Sun was less bright than it is today.
It challenges the prevailing model of star formation.
It contradicts theories about the beginning of the universe
12、【 单选题
Why does the professor mention the solar wind? [10分]
To explain a way the Sun is losing mass
To point out that it was less intense billions of years ago
To suggest a reason for early climate differences between Earth and Mars
To explain the importance of solving the faint-young-Sun paradox
13、【 单选题
What factor did astronomers consider when calculating the required solar mass for liquid water to exist on Earth and Mars? [10分]
The young Sun lost mass at a slower rate than it currently does
The young Sun was closer to the planets than it currently is
The young Sun had less solar wind activity than it currently does
The young Sun comprised greater amounts of helium than it currently does
14、【 单选题
What is the professor's attitude about the bright-young-Sun solution? [10分]
He is surprised that it is not more widely accepted
He feels that it raises too many unanswerable questions
He is confident that future research will determine whether it is true.
He expects that other possible solutions to the paradox will be proposed.
15、【 多选题
What does the professor identify as aspects of traditional play? [Choose two answers] [10分]
Characters each have their own motivation.
A plot is developed.
The play consists of several acts.
Actors ignore the audience.
16、【 多选题
According to the professor, what contributed to the chaotic nature of the performances at the Cabaret Voltaire? [Choose two answers] [10分]
There were no professional actors.
The script was torn up and allowed to fall to the floor during the performance.
Different art forms shared the same stage.
The performances varied from night to night. 
17、【 多选题
Why did the greenhouse-gas solution fail to explain the early presence of liquid water on Earth and Mars? [Choose two answers] [10分]
The types of gases that were present in their atmospheres could not have caused temperatures to rise
There was insufficient carbon dioxide in their atmospheres to produce a greenhouse effect.
Solar radiation would have destroyed the ammonia in their atmospheres.
Clouds of ammonia would have lowered temperatures by blocking out sunlight.
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