1、【 单选题
At the customs.
At the airport.
At the supermarket.
At the post office.
2、【 单选题
He doesn’t have the fight tools.
He can’ t afford it.
He wants to wait until the next day.
He doesn’ t need one
3、【 单选题
All the passengers were killed.
The plane crashed in the night.   
No more survivors have been found.
It’s too late to search for survivors. 
4、【 单选题
After three P.M.
From one to three this afternoon.
From one to three every afternoon.
The whole afternoon.
5、【 单选题
A head cold.
The weather. 
The woman’ s son.
6、【 单选题
Its results were just as expected.
It wasn’t very well designed. 
It fully reflected the students’ ability.
Its results fell short of her expectations. 
7、【 单选题
Having some drinks.
Looking up the phone number later.
Leaving the problem alone.
Making an extra effort.
8、【 单选题
About 80.
More than 80. 
Half of the student body.
About 40.
9、【 单选题
He believes dancing is enjoyable.
He definitely does not like dancing.
He admires those who dance.
He won’t dance until he has done his work. 
10、【 单选题
Turn right.
Turn left. 
Drive two blocks to the next stoplight.
Make a U- turn atthe second stoplight.
11、【 单选题
Experience in negotiating.
A high level of intelligence. 
The time they spend on preparation.
The amount of pay they receive.
12、【 单选题
Study the case carefully beforehand.
Stick to a set target.
Appear friendly to the other party.
Try to be flexible abouttheir terms. 
13、【 单选题
Make sure there is no misunderstanding.
Try to persuade by giving various reasons. 
Repeat the same reasons.
Listen carefully and patiently to the other party. 
14、【 单选题
Efficient computerization will speed solar energy.
Clothing, housing and animal breeding.
Agriculture and drugs.
Child rearing and artificial hearts.
15、【 单选题
Broad codes to maximize human benefits. 
Strict supervision of all scientific research.
The indifference of public attitudes toward ethical and human values.
The maintenance of chemistry as a pure science. 
16、【 单选题
Availability of artificial body organs.
Elimination of genetic defects. 
Improvements in drugs for medical use.
An explanation of the origin of life. 
17、【 单选题
He buys cheap things, regardless of quality.
He chooses things that others recommend.
He does not mind much about the price of the right things.
He buys good quality things, so long as they are not too dear.
18、【 单选题
They welcome suggestions from anyone.
Women rarely consider buying cheap clothes.
Her shopping is often based on need.
They listen to advice but never take it.
19、【 单选题
He buys a similar thing of the color he wants.
He usually does not buy anything.
At least two of his requirements must be met before he buys.
So long as the style is right, he buys the thing.
20、【 单选题
The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop.
Women bargain for their clothes, but men sit down.
Women stand up shopping, but men sit down.
The time they take over buying clothes.
21、【 单选题
In analyzing a problem we should do all the following except ____. [1分]
recognize and define the problem
look for information to make the problem clearer
have suggestions for a possible solution
find a solution by trial or mistake
22、【 单选题
By referring to Sam’s broken bicycle, the author intends to ____. [1分]
illustrate the ways to repair his bicycle
discuss the problems of his bicycle
tell us how to solve a problem
show us how to analyze a problem
23、【 单选题
Which of the following is NOT true? [1分]
People do not analyze the problem they meet.
People often accept the opinions or ideas of other people.
People may learn from their past experience
People cannot solve some problems they meet.
24、【 单选题
As used in the last sentence, the phrase “in short” means ____. [1分]
in the long run
in detail
in a word
in the end
25、【 单选题
What is the best title for this passage? [1分]
Six Stages for Repairing Sam’s Bicycle.
Possible Ways to Problem-solving.
Necessities of Problem Analysis.
Suggestions for Analyzing a Problem.
26、【 单选题
What is the significance of the discovery? [1分]
It shows that modern humans lived in the Arctic more than 3,000 years ago.
It shows that Neanderthals lived in the Arctic more than 3,000 years ago.
It shows the oldest documented evidence for human presence at such high latitude.
It shows human could use tools 30,000 years ago.
27、【 单选题
Why the team believed that the four-foot mammoth tusk was the most important find? [1分]
Because it was the longest tusk ever found.
Because there were signs left by human’s tools on it.
Because there were grooves on it.
Because there are not any mammoth tusk all over the world.
28、【 单选题
When did the Neanderthals extinct? [1分]
More than 30,000 years ago.
After 30,000 years ago.
Before about 35,000 years ago.
Some 13,000 to 14,000 years ago.
29、【 单选题
Who were those toolmakers? [1分]
Modern humans.
Not determined.
30、【 单选题
What’s the weather like in the Arctic region of European Russia more than 30,000 years ago? [1分]
Moderate temperature, relatively dry and ice-free.
Extremely cold, relatively dry and ice-free.
Extremely cold, plenty of raining and ice-free.
Extremely cold, relatively dry and ice frosted. 
31、【 单选题
By what means do the children of the author’s family go to school? [1分]
They take school bus.
They take a taxi.
Their mother drives for them.
Scout troop sends them to school.
32、【 单选题
If a housewife went on strike, which one of the following statements is NOT true? [1分]
Children would scream for something to eat.
No meals would appear on the table.
The scout troops would have a wonderful time.
The man of the house wouldn’t be able to take over.
33、【 单选题
In the author’s opinion, ____. [1分]
many males are going to volunteer for housewives’ work
housewives deserve a national holiday named Wonder Woman Day
the man of the house would be able to take over the housewives’ work
housewives are second-class citizens or something similar 
34、【 单选题
The author’s attitude toward housewives’ work is ____. [1分]
35、【 单选题
The main idea of the passage is about ____. [1分]
housewives, the wonder women
what would happen if housewives went on strike
the replacement of women by men as housewives
the setting up of a national holiday for housewives
36、【 单选题
What does the word “sedentary (Para. 2)” mean? [1分]
sit still.
eat too much.
study very hardh.
passive thinking.
37、【 单选题
Which statement is TRUE? [1分]
The average waist size for a man is 36-38in.
The average waist size for a woman is 30in.
In the mid-Eighties, more than half million under-16s in the UK areclassed as overweight.
The obesity pandemic has now spread to South America.
38、【 单选题
According to Prof Prentice, what are the reasons for the change in our shape? [1分]
We eat too much and refuse to do physical exercises.
High-energy foods are easy to get and technology develops fast.
High-energy foods are the main diet and we use technology.
High-energy foods are easy to get and we consume less energy.
39、【 单选题
Obesity increases the risk factor of ____. [1分]
diabetes, short sight, cancer, strokes
diabetes, cancer, strokes, psychosocial illness
cancer, strokes, fatty, heart disease
strokes, heart disease, diabetes, headache
40、【 单选题
What does the author mean by “So say No to that doughnut and burger”? [1分]
Answering the question “will parents outlive their children?”.
The doughnut and burger should be banned.
We should lead a healthy life.
We should begin dieting. 
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