1、【 单选题
Librarian and student.
Operator and caller.
Boss and secretary.
Customer and repairman.
2、【 单选题
Look for the key.
Repair the car.
Fix a shelf.
Paint a shelf.
3、【 单选题
To make the woman angry.
To please the man’s mother.
David is the man’s good friend.
David is good at carrying on conversations.
4、【 单选题
He must meet his teacher.
He must attend a class.
He must go out with his girlfriend.
He must stay at school to finish his homework.
5、【 单选题
He wants to pay.
he doesn’t want to eat out
He wants to eat somewhere else.
He doesn’t like Japanese food.
6、【 单选题
He didn’t work as hard as he was supposed to.
He didn’t pass the physics exam.
He did better in an earlier exam.
He found something wrong with the exam.
7、【 单选题
He is attending his sick mother at home.
He is on a European tour with his mother.
He is at home on sick leave.
He is in Europe to see his mother.
8、【 单选题
They don’t know how to get to Mike’s home.
They are discussing when to meet again.
They went to the same party some time ago.
They will go to Mike’s birthday party.
9、【 单选题
Five lessons.
Three lessons.
Twelve lessons.
Fifteen lessons.
10、【 单选题
Find a larger room.
Sell the old table.
Buy two bookshelves.
Rearrange some furniture.
11、【 单选题
Courses in British history.
Language courses.
Courses in sports.
Teacher training courses.
12、【 单选题
To attract more students.
To make the courses suitable for students of all levels.
To let the students have a good rest.
To make the summer school more like a holiday.
13、【 单选题
Because they all work very hard.
Because their teachers are all native speakers of English.
Because they learn not only in but also out of class.
Because they are all advanced students.
14、【 单选题
Because it takes too long to process all the applications.
Because its resources are limited.
Because it is a library for special purposes.
Because there is a shortage of staff.
15、【 单选题
Discard his application from.
Forbid him to borrow any items.
Cancel his video card.
Ask him to apply again.
16、【 单选题
One month.
One week.
Two weeks.
Two months.
17、【 单选题
18、【 单选题
By passing steam over dry ice.
By turning ordinary ice into steam.
By heating dry ice.
By mixing dry ice with ordinary ice.
19、【 单选题
It takes a longer time to melt.
It is lighter to carry.
It is cleaner to use than ordinary ice.
It is not so cold as ordinary ice.
20、【 单选题
In the 1920’s.
In the 1930’s.
In the 1940’s.
In the 1950’s.
21、【 单选题
People who are cognitively healthy are those ________. [1分]
who can remember large amounts of information
who are highly intelligent
whose minds are alert and receptive
who are good at recognizing different sounds
22、【 单选题
According to Fozard’s argument people can make their brains work more efficiently by ________. [1分]
constantly doing memory work
taking part in various mental activities
going through specific training
making frequent adjustments
23、【 单选题
The findings of James and other scientists in their work ________. [1分]
remain a theory to be further proved
have been generally accepted
have been challenged by many other experts
are practiced by the researchers themselves
24、【 单选题
Older people are generally advised to ________. [1分]
keep fit by going in for physical activities
keep mentally active by challenging their brains
maintain mental alertness through specific training
maintain a balance between individual and group activities
25、【 单选题
What is the passage mainly about? [1分]
How biochemical changes occur in the human brain.
Why people should keep active not only physically but also mentally.
How intellectual activities influence brain-cell health.
Why people should receive special mental training as they age.
26、【 单选题
According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected ________. [1分]
because of their carelessness as shown in their failure to present a clean copy of a resume
because of their inadequate education as shown in their poor spelling in writing a resume
because they failed to give detailed description of their background in their applications
because they eliminated their names from the applicants’ list themselves
27、【 单选题
The word “perfectionists” (Para. 3, Line) refers to those who ________. [1分]
demand others to get everything absolutely right
know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstances
pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives
are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do
28、【 单选题
Which of the following is the author’s device to the reader? [1分]
Although too much attention to details may be costly, they should not be overlooked.
Don’t forget details when drawing pictures.
Be aware of the importance of a task before undertaking it.
Careless applicants are not to be trusted.
29、【 单选题
The example of the Apollo II moon launch is given to illustrate that ________. [1分]
minor mistakes can be ignored in achieving major objectives
failure is the mother of success
adjustments are the key to the successful completion of any work
keeping one’s goal in mind helps in deciding which details can be overlooked
30、【 单选题
The best title for this passage would be ________. [1分]
Don’t Be a Perfectionist
Importance of Adjustments
Details and Major Objectives
Hard Work Plus Good Luck
31、【 单选题
We can infer from the passage that ________. [1分]
English people, like most people in other countries, dislike living in flats
people in most countries of the world today are not opposed to living in flats
people in Britain are forced to move into high blocks of flats
modern flats still fail to provide the necessary facilities for living
32、【 单选题
What is said about blocks of flats built in the past in Britain? [1分]
They were mostly inhabited by people who did not earn much.
They were usually not large enough to accommodate big families.
They were sold to people before necessary facilities were installed.
They provided playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings.
33、【 单选题
The word “rage” (Line 9) means ________. [1分]
be ignored
develop with great force
encourage people greatly
be in fashion
34、【 单选题
Some people oppose the building of flats because ________. [1分]
the living expenses for each individual family are higher
it involves higher cost compared with the building of houses
they believe people like to live in houses with gardens
the disposal of rubbish remains a problem for those living in flats
35、【 单选题
The author mentions that people who live in suburban houses ________. [1分]
do not have access to easy facilities because they live away from the city
have to pay a lot of money to employ people to do service work
take longer time to know each other because they are a scattered community
have to spend more money and time travelling to work every day
36、【 单选题
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence “Man... is part of nature” (Para. 1, Lines 3-4)? [1分]
Man appears indifferent to what happens in nature.
Man acts as if he does not belong to nature.
Man can avoid the effects of environmental pollution.
Man can escape his responsibilities for environmental effects of pesticides?
37、【 单选题
What is the author’s attitude toward the environmental effects of pesticides? [1分]
38、【 单选题
In the author’s view, the sudden death caused by exposure to large amounts of pesticides ________. [1分]
is not the worst of the negative consequences resulting from the use of pesticides
now occurs most frequently among all accidental deaths
has sharply increased so as to become the center of public attention
is unavoidable because people can’t do without pesticides in farming
39、【 单选题
People tend to ignore the delayed effects of exposure to chemical because ________. [1分]
limited exposure to them does little harm to people’s health
the present is more important for them than the future
the danger does not become apparent immediately
humans are capable of withstanding small amounts of poisoning
40、【 单选题
It can be concluded from Dr. Dubos remarks that ________. [1分]
people find invisible diseases difficult to deal with
attacks by hidden enemies tend to be fatal
diseases with obvious signs are easy to cure
people tend to overlook hidden dangers caused by pesticides
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