1、【 单选题
A program can best be described as: [2.5分]
A grouping of related activities which last two years or more
The first major subdivision of a project
A grouping of projects, similar in nature, which support a product or product line and have no definable end point
A product line
Another name for a project
2、【 单选题
A program is characterized as: [2.5分]
a grouping or related tasks lasting one year or less.
a unique undertaking having a definite time period.
a grouping of similar projects having no definite end that supports the product(s) from cradle to grave.
a project with a cost over $1 million.
None of the above.
3、【 单选题
Ensuring that all work is both authorized and funded by contractual documentation is the responsibility of: [2.5分]
The project manager
The functional manager
The project sponsor
The client
All of the above
4、【 单选题
The project charter is a document designed to tell (    ) exactly what the project entails. [2.5分]
The project manager
The project office
The project team
The project sponsor
Anyone associated with the project
5、【 单选题
Creation of project objectives: [2.5分]
allows for data collection and analysis and progress reporting against which standards of performance can be measured.
is accomplished by selection of measurable variables against which performance can be judged.
is required before funding of the project by the project sponsor.
all of the above.
A and B only
6、【 单选题
A project is defined as: [2.5分]
a coordinated undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that has a finite period of performance.
a large, complex undertaking with many objectives, multiple sources of funding, and a not discernible end point.
an undertaking of interrelated activities directed toward a specific goal that can be accomplished in less than one year.
a group of activities headed by a project manager who has cradle-to-grave cycle responsibility for the end product.
All of the above.
7、【 单选题
Work authorization forms are needed in order to: [2.5分]
Authorize line organizations to charge against the project
Establish an audit trail
Develop a structured methodology for release of funds
All of the above
A and C only
8、【 单选题
The scope baseline/project charter is prepared by the: [2.5分]
Project manager
Project manager and project office
Project manager, project office and functional team
Project manager, project office, functional team and project sponsor
Project manager, project sponsor and customer/user
9、【 单选题
Typical characteristics of a work package include: [2.5分]
Representation of units of work at a level where work is performed
Clearly distinguishes one work package from all others assigned to a single functional group
Limits the work to be performed to relatively short periods of time
All of the above
A and B only
10、【 单选题
Documented work authorization provide: [2.5分]
a means of effective internal coordination of the project's activities.
an audit trail of all work authorized from project initiation to completion.
a means for communication of work activity between the project manager and the performing activities.
All of the above
A and B only.
11、【 单选题
The project life-cycle can be described as: [2.5分]
project concept, project planning, project execution, and project close-out.
project planning, work authorization, and project reporting.
project planning, project control, project definition, WBS development, and project termination.
project concept, project execution, and project reporting.
All of the above.
12、【 单选题
In preparing a good project definition, experienced project managers will: [2.5分]
Concentrate mainly on the end product rather than costs or benefits. These come later.
Realize that only the "tip of the iceberg" may be showing. As a project manager, you must get beneath it.
Understand that a project definition/plan is a dynamic rather than static tool, and thus subject to change.
Try to convert objectives into quantifiable terms.
All of the above
13、【 单选题
A Work Breakdown Structure: [2.5分]
assures all work is identified
subdivides the project into manageable segments
provides the project sponsor with a time-phase task summary
both A and B
All of the above.
14、【 单选题
Project life cycles provide a better means of measurement of progress and control. The four phases of a project are conceptual development, (    ), (    ), and (    ). [2.5分]
Preliminary planning, detail planning, closeout
Implementation, reporting, termination
Development, implementation, termination
Execution, reporting, finishing
Implementation, termination, post-audit review
15、【 单选题
Scope Management: [2.5分]
entails managing the project's work content.
is a subset of configuration management and as such is performed by CM specialists.
is concerned with naming all activities performed, the end products which results and the resources consumed.
is not a concern of the project manager.
None of the above.
16、【 单选题
The contractual statement of work (CSOW) [2.5分]
Must be the same as the proposal statement of work
Does not identify reporting requirements
Can be at a different level of detail (i.e. WBS level) than the proposal statement of work
Identifies the contractor's organizational structure for the project
All of the above
17、【 单选题
Feasibility studies occur in which life cycle phase (s)? [2.5分]
Conceptual or Development
Preliminary planning
any life cycle phase
18、【 单选题
Which of the following can result in misinterpretation of the statement of work? [2.5分]
Using imprecise language (i.e. nearly, approximately)
Mixing tasks, specifications, special instructions and approvals
No pattern, structure or chronological order
Wide variation in the size of tasks or details of work
All of the above
19、【 单选题
Good project objectives must be: [2.5分]
General rather than specific
Established without considering resource bounds
Realistic and attainable
Overly complex
Measurable, intangible and verifiable
20、【 单选题
A project manager believes that modifying the scope of the project may provide added value for the customer. The project manager should: [2.5分]
Change the scope baseline
Prepare a variance report
Call a meeting of the configuration control board
Change the project's objectives
Postpone the modification until a separate enhancement project is funded after this project is completed according to the original baseline
21、【 单选题
Researching, organizing and recording pertinent information is called: [2.5分]
Alternative analysis
Information gathering
Configuration management
Post project analysis
All of the above
22、【 单选题
The document authorizing functional areas to charge against the project is the: [2.5分]
Work authorization form
Scope baseline
Project charter
Management plan
Linear responsibility chart
23、【 单选题
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the basis for communicating: [2.5分]
Project scope, cost control, schedule, quality
Project objectives, dependencies, plan, cost control
Project scope, schedule, staffing, cost control
Project scope, quality, schedule, dependencies
Project budget, schedule, risk factors, work assignments.
24、【 单选题
The sequential steps that define the process for successfully completing a project is: [2.5分]
Implementation Plan
a life cycle
Development Plan
a critical path
Management Plan
25、【 单选题
Going from Level 2 to Level 4 in the work breakdown structure will result in [2.5分]
Less estimating accuracy
Better control of the project
Lower status reporting costs
A greater likelihood that something will fall through the cracks
None of the above
26、【 单选题
Graphical displays of accumulated cost and labor hours, plotted as a function of time, are called: [2.5分]
Variance reports
S curves
Trend analysis
Earned value reporting
Baseline control
27、【 单选题
What is the purpose of the Project Plan? [2.5分]
To document the Preliminary estimates.
To document the Definitive estimates.
To document the Budgetary estimates.
To document Parametric estimates.
To document Order of Magnitude estimates.
28、【 单选题
Selection criteria for project selection include: [2.5分]
cost versus benefit
contribution towards organizational goals
rate of return
All of the above.
29、【 单选题
Scope management is: [2.5分]
a project control function.
employs change control.
a work authorization process.
considers Cost, Quality and Schedule.
All of the above.
30、【 单选题
Which percent of the total project labor hours are typically expended by the end of the second phase of the project life cycle? [2.5分]
31、【 单选题
The purpose of configuration management is to: [2.5分]
insure drawings are updated
control change throughout the project
control change during the production only
generate engineering change proposals
inform the project manager of changes
32、【 单选题
Which of the following factors has historically been the greatest contributor to project failure? [2.5分]
Planning performed by a planning group.
Poor financial estimates.
Lack of sufficient management reserve.
Lack of management support.
Not using an automated tracking tool.
33、【 单选题
A work breakdown structure is most useful for: [2.5分]
identifying individual tasks for a project
scheduling the start of tasks
developing a cost estimate
determining potential delays
A and C.
34、【 单选题
Which of the following planning considerations is often overlooked? [2.5分]
Planning for project termination.
Qualified project manager assignment.
Insuring top management support.
Clearly defined tasks.
All of the above.
35、【 单选题
A Gantt chart is useful in determining: [2.5分]
the level of effort for a task
when a task starts and stops
how tasks are related to each other
who is assigned to do a task
All of the above.
36、【 单选题
The project stakeholders should be actively involved with the (    ) phase(s) of the life cycle. [2.5分]
All of the above.
37、【 单选题
A technical requirement has which of the following characteristics: [2.5分]
easy to understand
a communication tool between the user and the design team
written in non-technical language
developed in cooperation with the user
typically describe physical dimensions and performance requirements
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