1、【 单选题
A task-oriented family tree of activities is a: [2.5分]
Detailed plan.
Linear responsibility chart.
Work breakdown structure.
Cost account coding system.
Work package description.
2、【 单选题
Historical records during close-out are useful to (    ) and (    ) for future projects. [2.5分]
Predict trends, highlight problems.
Analyze successes, shortfalls.
Analyze strengths, document results.
Support litigation, defend claims.
Justify results, set standards.
3、【 单选题
A clear definition of the user's needs serves as the direct basis for the: [2.5分]
Work breakdown structure.
Functional requirements.
Project cost estimate.
Selection of personnel.
Termination decision.
4、【 单选题
Management plans include all of the following except: [2.5分]
Organization of project.
Job descriptions.
Policies and procedures.
Linear responsibility charts.
Scope baseline.
5、【 单选题
A comprehensive definition of scope management would be: [2.5分]
Managing a project in terms of its objective through the concept, development, implementation, and termination phases of a project.
Approval of the scope baseline.
Approval of the detailed project charter.
Configuration control.
Approved detailed planning including budgets, resource allocation, linear responsibility charts and management sponsorship.
6、【 单选题
Middle (functional) managers have the greatest influence in the direction of the project in which type of organizational structure? [2.5分]
Strong matrix.
Weak matrix.
Project coordinator.
Project expeditor.
7、【 单选题
The project charter: [2.5分]
Expresses upper management commitment to the project.
Provides that authority by which the project will be run.
Establishes that organizational structure with the project.
Specifies overall objectives and timeframe of the project.
All of the above.
8、【 单选题
The process of choosing/documenting the best approach to achieve the project objectives is part of: [2.5分]
The scope baseline.
Scope authorization
Scope definition
Scope planning.
All of the above.
9、【 单选题
The WBS is: [2.5分]
An organization oriented family tree of the project.
A task oriented family tree of the project.
A cost centered structure of the project.
Only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct.
None of the above.
10、【 单选题
A completion of a local government study resides on your critical path. This would most likely be referred to as: [2.5分]
Soft logic
Hard logic
An external dependency
A mandatory dependency
A lost cause
11、【 单选题
Which of the following can affect network durations? [2.5分]
Skills of the resource pool
Calendar dates
All of the above
A and B only
12、【 单选题
Including the customer in the process of project planning is: [2.5分]
Slow and counterproductive.
Essential in the definition and documentation of project goals.
Necessary, but of limited value.
Unnecessary because project goals are defined in the proposal stage.
None of the above.
13、【 单选题
The scope management provides: [2.5分]
A basis for future decisions about the project.
A baseline to accomplish verification measures.
A baseline to evaluate potential scope changes.
All of the above.
B and C only.
14、【 单选题
Sources for data on activity durations and resource requirements can be gathered from which of the following: [2.5分]
Past project records (historical data)
Commercial techniques (standard practices, rules of thumb)
Past project team members knowledge (experience, oldtimers)
All of the above
A and C only
15、【 单选题
The erection of foundation formwork before the placement of foundation concrete would be an example of a (    ) dependency. [2.5分]
Soft logic
16、【 单选题
During project execution, a line manager informs you that he will not have sufficient resources available next month to support your and two other projects. The best way to handle this problem would be to: [2.5分]
Ask the line manager to make the decision.
Ask the line manager to work with senior management to prioritize the work.
Ask your sponsor to meet with the line manager.
Ask the line manager to set up a meeting with you and the other project managers to work out the problem yourselves.
Prepare a purchase order to outsource the work.
17、【 单选题
Proper implementation of project management will guarantee that: [2.5分]
Budgets will be met.
Schedules will be adhered to.
Quality/performance will be met.
The project will be a success.
None of the above.
18、【 单选题
"Hard logic" in the preparation of a network refers to: [2.5分]
Discretionay dependencies
External depenencies
Mandatory dependencies
All of the above
A and B only
19、【 单选题
The difference between a project and a program is that: [2.5分]
A program is made up of multiple projects
A program requires at least three times longer to plan than a project
A project is a one-shot deal while a program is on-going
A and C.
B and C.
20、【 单选题
The most difficult decision for the executive sponsors to make at the end-of-phase review meeting is: [2.5分]
Budget allocations for the next phase.
Authorizing scope changes for the next phase.
Authorizing budget increases for the next phase based upon scope changes.
Canceling the project.
All of the above.
21、【 单选题
The financial closeout of a project dictates that: [2.5分]
All project funds have been spent.
No charge numbers have been overrun.
No follow-on work from this client is possible.
No further charges can be made against the project.
All of the above.
22、【 单选题
As a control tool, the bar chart (Gantt) methods is most beneficial for: [2.5分]
rearranging conflicting tasks
depicting actual versus planned tasks
showing the outer dependencies of tasks
A and C.
A and D.
23、【 单选题
You are managing an internal project where a vice president from the user group is acting as the sponsor. You have just been informed by your team that the critical path has slipped by three weeks. You should: [2.5分]
Immediately inform the sponsor and ask for advice
Do nothing until the slippage occurs
See the sponsor after you have evaluated alternatives, recommendations, and performed an impact analysis
Look for someone to blame before you see the sponsor
Inform your senior management of the problem and tell them that you will get back to them after you assessed the situation
24、【 单选题
A project can best be defined as: [2.5分]
Series of non-related activities designed to accomplish single and multiple objectives.
Coordinated effort of related activities designed to accomplish a goal without a well-established end point.
Cradle-to-grave activities which must be accomplished in less than one year and consumes human and non-human resources.
Any undertaking with a definable time frame, well-defined objectives, and consumes both human and non-human resources with certain constraints.
All of the above.
25、【 单选题
Line of balance charts are used most frequently in: [2.5分]
Contracts and procurement
26、【 单选题
The project scope/charter baseline includes: [2.5分]
Summary of background conditions defining the project.
Organization, authority and responsibility relationships.
Functions to be performed.
Resource requirement schedule including time estimates.
All of the above.
27、【 单选题
Scope reporting is the timely determination, (    ), and (    ) of project progress, status data, and transforming this into structured documentation (reports) necessary to judge project performance (reporting on work packages). [2.5分]
Recording, accumulation.
Recording, graphical display.
Accumulation, graphical display.
Graphical display, interpretation.
Interpretation, analysis.
28、【 单选题
Which of the following is indicative of negative float? [2.5分]
The late start date is earlier than the early start date.
The critical path supports the imposed end date.
The early finish date is equal to the late finish date.
When leads are employed in the schedule.
The project is sinking.
29、【 单选题
The work breakdown structure (WBS) is an excellent tool for objective control and evaluation. Which of the following is generally NOT validated through the WBS? [2.5分]
Time, schedule and cost.
Management coordination and organization structuring.
Work methods and accountability.
Quality of work.
Risk and impact decision-making.
30、【 单选题
The most frequently used construct in Precedent Diagramming Method is: [2.5分]
Start to Start.
Finish to Finish.
Start to Finish.
Finish to Start.
Dummy activity.
31、【 单选题
The critical path is calculated by [2.5分]
subtracting the end date of task one from the start date of task two.
determining which tasks have the least amount of total slack.
totaling the time for all activities.
determining the shortest path through the network.
Determining which tasks have the most slack
32、【 单选题
The scope baseline once established and approved, is used: [2.5分]
as the basis for making future decisions.
to accomplish verification measures.
to evaluate potential changes.
All of the above.
A and C only.
33、【 单选题
Using the table in the Special window, Which task is completed? [2.5分]
dig hole
remove debris
set forms
place concrete
34、【 单选题
The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the (    ) phase of the project but first documented in the project (    ). [2.5分]
Conceptual, charter/baseline.
Conceptual, master schedule.
Development, charter/baseline.
Development, master schedule.
Development, masterplan.
35、【 单选题
Which may be employed to shorten a schedule without changing the scope of the task? [2.5分]
Fast tracking.
Releasing resources earlier from tasks which were scheduled with a late start.
Alter to task priorities.
A or B.
36、【 单选题
Project management/project planning is most closely aligned with: [2.5分]
Long range/strategic planning (5 years or more).
Intermediate range planning (1 to 5 years)
Short range/tactical planning (1 year or less).
All of the above.
B and C.
37、【 单选题
Management decision-making includes: [2.5分]
Analysis of alternatives.
Resource allocation.
Modification or updating of goals and objectives.
All of the above.
38、【 单选题
Resource leveling (    ). [2.5分]
Allocates resources to activities to find shortest schedule within fixed resource limits.
Smoothes out resource requirements by rescheduling activities within their float time.
Smooths out resource requirements by substituting activities with unassigned resources.
Attempts to reduce resource requirements within a constraint on project duration
B or D.
39、【 单选题
A(n) (    ) is defined as a specified accomplishment in a particular instant in time which does not consume time or resources. [2.5分]
Event constrained within planned effort.
40、【 单选题
The "control points" in the work breakdown structure used for isolated assignments to work centers are referred to as: [2.5分]
Work packages.
Code of accounts.
Integration points.
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