【考前30天绝密资料】2012年高考考前30天三轮专题提分必练绝密之 21(湖北专用)
1、【 填空题
Our school will be enlarged soon, and it will be (大三倍)than it is now, as far as I know. (large)
我们的学校将会扩建,据我所知将会比现在面积大三倍。 [每空2分]
答案: ["three times larger"]
2、【 填空题
The earthquake that happened in San Francisco in 1989 was in the United States, which killed about 100 people. (strong)
1989年旧金山大地震是美国第二强的地震,100多人丧命于此。 [每空2分]
答案: ["the second strongest earthquake"]
3、【 填空题
The kid was so proud of his work that he was just sitting there with , waiting for praise from his teacher. (cross)
那个孩子对自己的功课如此满意,以至于他就翘着二郎腿坐在那儿等着老师的表扬。 [每空2分]
答案: ["his legs crossed"]
4、【 填空题
The catastrophe in the movie 2012 is so striking that it takes away the breath of audience. (present)
电影《2012》中所呈现出来的浩劫如此惊人,以至于观众们都屏住了呼吸。 [每空2分]
答案: ["(which/that is)presented"]
5、【 填空题
I can’t carry this box. Believe it or not, it’s of that one. (weight)
我搬不动这个盒子。信不信由你,它有那个盒子的两倍多重。 [每空2分]
答案: ["more than/over twice the weight"]
6、【 填空题
The hottest topic of this week on newspapers and TV programs is Wall Street financial crisis and what the White House is going to do with it.(talk)
本周报纸和电视节目上讨论的最热门话题是华尔街经济危机和白宫将会有何举措。 [每空2分]
答案: ["being talked about/that is being talked about"]
7、【 填空题
Tom, to have left the house without turning off the light. (it)
汤姆,你出门不关灯真是太粗心了。 [每空2分]
答案: ["it was careless of you"]
8、【 填空题
Thank you for your suggestion, Cathy. than this to solve the problem, I think. (good)
凯西,谢谢你的建议。我觉得解决这个问题没有比这更好的办法了。 [每空2分]
答案: ["There can’t be a better way"]
9、【 填空题
I also remember the moon cycle and that craftsmen or magic users will be affected by those moon cycles.(tell)
我记得有人告诉过我月亮的周期,并且工匠和魔法师会受到它的影响。 [每空2分]
答案: ["being told about"]
10、【 填空题
A new school is announced in this city, but I don’t know when the project will be put into practice.(build)
据称这个城市将要修建一所新的学校,但是我不清楚这项工程何时会实施。 [每空2分]
答案: ["to be built"]
11、【 填空题
This island is in December every year, when it will be cut off by ice and snow. (crowded)
每年十一月这个小岛最不拥挤,因为那时冰雪把它与外界隔绝了。 [每空2分]
答案: ["the least crowded"]
12、【 填空题
I for your kindness, because without your help I can’t have succeeded in the exam. (enough)
太感谢你的帮助了。没有你的帮忙的话我不可能在考试中成功。 [每空2分]
答案: ["can’t thank you enough"]
13、【 填空题
I’m going to Wuhan. Do you have anything there?(take)
我要去武汉。有什么东西要我带去那儿吗? [每空2分]
答案: ["to be taken"]
14、【 填空题
Each new way of looking at a situation improves our understanding and to discover new possibilities. (make)
每一种看待形势的新方法都能提高我们的理解力,也使得发现新的可能性更加容易。 [每空2分]
答案: ["makes it easier"]
15、【 填空题
Sorry I’ll have to attend my appointment with the doctor this afternoon. It is . (too)
抱歉,下午我必须去赴医生的约。它很重要,不能错过。 [每空2分]
答案: ["too important to be missed"]
16、【 填空题
her mother, she is not beautiful in appearance. (resemble)
不像她的母亲,她外表不太好看。 [每空2分]
答案: ["Not resembling"]
17、【 填空题
That year in Cambridge, I remember were required to take part in the Boat Race. (strong)
我记得那年在剑桥,有十个年轻力壮的中国学生被要求参与赛船。 [每空2分]
答案: ["ten strong young Chinese students"]
18、【 填空题
Not ,Tom knew nothing about its tragic ending. (finish)
还没看完小说,汤姆不知道它的悲剧结局。 [每空2分]
答案: ["having finished reading the novel"]
19、【 填空题
Harry Potter has made the author, J. K. Rowling,  in Britain after the Queen.(rich)
《哈利•波特》使其作者J.K.罗琳成为在英国仅次于女王的第二富有的女人。 [每空2分]
答案: ["the second richest woman"]
20、【 填空题
along the treacherous road, I had a blown out on my right rear tyre.(drive)
当我在险峻的公路上行驶时,车的右后胎爆了。 [每空2分]
答案: ["While driving"]
21、【 填空题
Without these naturally occurring gases,the sun's rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth . (live)
如果没有这些自然存在的气体,太阳的光线将会返回到太空,使地球无法居住。 [每空2分]
答案: ["impossible to live on"]
22、【 填空题
While there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know .(expect)
尽管我们在改变天气方面无能为力,但我们至少知道未来天气的变化。 [每空2分]
答案: ["what kind of weather to expect"]
23、【 填空题
You should  every year in case the lenses of your spectacles need changing.(test)
你应该每年检查一次自己的眼睛,以防你的眼镜片需要更换。 [每空2分]
答案: ["have your eyes tested"]
24、【 填空题
The most powerful earthquake in the last 40 years, and ever recorded, hit Asia at 6:58 a.m. on December 26, 2004, off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. (strong)
40年来最强烈的一次地震,也是有记录以来第二强烈的地震是发生在2004年12月26日早晨6时58分,亚洲的苏门答腊岛西海岸的印度尼西亚。 [每空2分]
答案: ["the second strongest"]
25、【 填空题
Joseph was very lucky  with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.(escape)
约瑟夫幸运地逃了出来,保住了性命;他险些没从房间里逃出来。 [每空2分]
答案: ["to have escaped"]
26、【 填空题
Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear  when she was trying to go to sleep.(tick)
玛丽蹑手蹑脚走过来把钟拿走了,因为她讨厌在自己想睡觉的时候听它滴答地响。 [每空2分]
答案: ["it ticking"]
27、【 填空题
outside, he prefers to shut all the windows when he is at home. (afraid)
由于怕外面吵闹声,他在家时喜欢把所有的窗户都关上。 [每空2分]
答案: ["Afraid of the noise"]
28、【 填空题
The bank is reported in the local newspaper in broad daylight yesterday.(rob)
据当地报纸报道,那家银行昨天在光天化日下遭到抢劫。 [每空2分]
答案: ["to have been robbed"]
29、【 填空题
The world's population has grown to more than 目前的世界人口与1800 年相比已经增长到那时的6倍多。这个数字已接近65亿。 [每空2分]
答案: ["six times what it was"]
30、【 填空题
In spite of  before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.(act)
虽然他以前从未表演过,但他为业余剧团做的首次表演很成功。 [每空2分]
答案: ["his never having acted"]
31、【 填空题
It's no good . He is always indifferent towards others' matters.(turn)
向他求助没用,他对别人的事总是漠不关心。 [每空2分]
答案: ["turning to him"]
32、【 填空题
Asking around, I find many people willing to pay slightly for things that are environmentally friendly. (price)
通过征询周围人的意见,我发现很多人愿意花费稍高一些的价钱来购买环保产品。 [每空2分]
答案: ["higher prices"]
33、【 填空题
  this, Harry finds out that his father was a wizard, and that his mother was a witch, both of whom were actually killed by an evil wizard. (contrary)
与此相反,哈利发现他父亲是个巫师,母亲是个女巫,他们其实都是被一个邪恶的巫师杀害的。 [每空2分]
答案: ["Contrary to"]
34、【 填空题
He appreciated to deliver his thesis in the annual symposium on Comparative Literature.(give)
他对得到一个在比较文学年度讨论会上宣读论文的机会表示感激。 [每空2分]
答案: ["having been given the chance"]
35、【 填空题
This book has been in the works so long that I have lost track of most of the sources by the staff of the library.(find)
写作这本书的时间如此之长,以至于我找不到图书馆职员为我找到的大部分原始资料。 [每空2分]
答案: ["found for me"]
36、【 填空题
Every room has a computer with a special screen, a cinema screen.(big)
每间教室都配有一台电脑,电脑屏幕是和电影院屏幕大小差不多的特殊屏幕。 [每空2分]
答案: ["almost as big as"]
37、【 填空题
British food I was in the canteen of a London publisher.(time)
我第一次吃英国食品是在一个伦敦出版商的小餐厅里。 [每空2分]
答案: ["The first time I ate"]
38、【 填空题
in the desert for many days, they found a tiny oasis, where there was a well and a patch of green grass. (travel)
在沙漠里走了好多天后,他们找到了一小块绿洲,在那里有一口井和一片绿草地。 [每空2分]
答案: ["After travelling"]
39、【 填空题
twice, the proposal was adopted unanimously. (discuss)
经过两次讨论,这个建议被一致通过采纳了。 [每空2分]
答案: ["Having been discussed"]
40、【 填空题
The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people, the population of the United States.(as)
扩展后的欧盟人口超过五亿,是美国人口的两倍。 [每空2分]
答案: ["twice as big as"]
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