【新人教版】(广东专版)高三英语一轮复习同步精练(附解析):必修3 Unit 3
1、【 单选题
Coco would like to enter a distance learning course which provides a convenient,standardized and economical approach for herself to learn.She attempts to attend class from anywhere—in the  office,at home,at school,or on the road,and study at a pace that’s right for her. [3分]
2、【 单选题
Tom would like to enter a course which allows him to apply for the licence as a mutual fund salesperson. It is also the first step towards the licence for trading stocks and bonds and allows him to proceed into the Canadian Investment Manager or financial Management Advisor designation streams. [3分]
3、【 单选题
John wants to enter a course which is involved in living benefits,including income replacement and risk management solutions for individuals,business owners and professionals. [3分]
4、【 单选题
Mary prefers a course that is the first all­ Canadian elder educational designation program in Canada designed by Canadians for Canadian professionals. [3分]
5、【 单选题
Jimmy prefers a course which allows him to meet the regulatory requirements as a newly registered investment adviser and qualifies him to take the Certified Financial Planner exam. [3分]
6、【 填空题
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7、【 填空题
I (打赌) that we would win the football match. [每空2分]
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8、【 填空题
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9、【 填空题
She won’t (允许狗进入) this yard. [每空2分]
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10、【 填空题
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11、【 填空题
Anyone (没有通行证) can not enter this military base. [每空2分]
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12、【 填空题
He was hit by a falling tree and killed (当场). [每空2分]
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13、【 填空题
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14、【 填空题
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15、【 填空题
He gave the police (详细描述) of the incident. [每空2分]
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16、【 填空题
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17、【 填空题
I warn you: I’m beginning to (失去耐心) with you. [每空2分]
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18、【 填空题
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19、【 填空题
(说实话),I don’t agree with you. [每空2分]
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20、【 填空题
He (妒忌) Tom’s success. [每空2分]
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21、【 填空题
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22、【 填空题
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23、【 填空题
He refused my advice (以友好的方式). [每空2分]
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24、【 填空题
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25、【 填空题
These girls are walking (肩并肩). [每空2分]
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26、【 填空题
He lacks (幽默感). [每空2分]
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27、【 简答题
    美国某网站的论坛就“How Would You Spend 100,000 Dollars?” 为主题进行调查。上文是一些网友的回复,你阅读了上文后,准备就该主题发表自己的观点,
    概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。 [20分]
    People would spend 100,000 dollars in different ways if they got it by chance.Some would donate it to charity for various purposes while some others would take care of their own business with the money.
    If I had the chance to get that money,I would first set aside 20,000 dollars for my university education and then donate the rest to the children who suffered from the devastating earthquake last May.
    There is no doubt that a good education is of vital importance to a person.It is through education that knowledge and information are received and spread throughout the world.An uneducated person is shut off from the outside world because he is closed to all the knowledge he can gain through books.In contrast,an educated man lives in a room with all its windows open towards the outside world.
    Thus I would use the money for my own education and help the children in the disaster area in Sichuan to gain theirs.
28、【 简答题
生词提示:绿坝Green Dam 安装install 犯罪commit crimes 中国工业和信息化部Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China
    With the popularity of the Internet,getting on line has become a new trend._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【思路导航】 这是一篇提纲式作文,要求用五个句子完成写作任务,包括三方面的写作内容,不要遗漏。注意运用高级句式及恰当的连接词,确保在规定的五句话里将要点表达得清晰、完整、准确和连贯。 [10分]
    With_the_popularity_of_the_Internet,getting_on_line_has_become_a_new_trend.Some teenagers are so addicted to playing online games that they don’t want to study their lessons.And some even have committed crimes under the negative influence from the unhealthy content.
    Recently China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has required all public places such as schools and Internet cafes should install a software program called “Green Dam” on the computers,aiming to block unhealthy content that is harmful to young Internet users.
    In my view,installing the Green Dam software on the computers in public places can prevent teenagers from being harmed.So the software is warmly welcomed because it is beneficial to the public.
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