1、【 填空题
He went to bed after he all the lights. [每空2分]
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2、【 填空题
Singing and short plays most of the programs in the English Evening yesterday. [每空2分]
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3、【 填空题
John doesn't get along well with his friends because he is pushy. [每空2分]
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4、【 填空题
Both of the businessmen felt sorry as their talk without an agreement. [每空2分]
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5、【 填空题
Smoking and sleeping late can get of your health. [每空2分]
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6、【 填空题
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7、【 填空题
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8、【 填空题
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9、【 填空题
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10、【 填空题
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11、【 填空题
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12、【 填空题
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13、【 填空题
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14、【 填空题
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15、【 填空题
my teacher’s help, I worked out the problem at last. [每空2分]
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16、【 填空题
Great changes have since I left my hometown 10 yearS ago. [每空2分]
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17、【 填空题
I hope you can come to the meeting tomorrow. [每空2分]
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18、【 填空题
The kangaroo lives in Australia and eat grass and . [每空2分]
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19、【 填空题
She closed the door because the baby was sleeping in the room. [每空2分]
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20、【 填空题
No student this kind of computer games. [每空2分]
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21、【 填空题
My aunt has moved to London, but she calls us . [每空2分]
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22、【 填空题
I my old friend last Sunday when I was walking in the park. [每空2分]
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23、【 填空题
The main land thousands of small island, and it is very beautiful. [每空2分]
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24、【 填空题
He went o with his work the heavy rain. [每空2分]
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25、【 填空题
William Shakespear became a actor and wrote many great plays. [每空2分]
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26、【 填空题
Betty now much taller than she was last year. [每空2分]
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27、【 填空题
The boy is too young to look after . [每空2分]
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28、【 填空题
I think the computer is one of the most important in the world. [每空2分]
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29、【 填空题
The weather report says it will be cloudy in some cities in the coming days. [每空2分]
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30、【 填空题
—Hi, Jack! What’s wrong with Peter?
—He fell off his bike yesterday. Luckily, he was not hurt. [每空2分]
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31、【 填空题
My students find English to learn and they like it very much. [每空2分]
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32、【 填空题
—These tables are very nice. Which one would you like, madam?
—I’d like that brown one. It uses the space. [每空2分]
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33、【 填空题
We will arrive at that small village in about one and a half time. [每空2分]
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34、【 填空题
There is a river the village. [每空2分]
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35、【 填空题
My grandfather eats junk food, so he is in good health. [每空2分]
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36、【 填空题
My brother John wants to be a when he grows up. [每空2分]
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37、【 填空题
I went to Tibet last year and I won’t forget this journey. [每空2分]
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38、【 填空题
We should English as much as possible. [每空2分]
答案: [""]
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